Summer Vacay Arya

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Jake Icon.png"Ah, don't worry dude, I'm sure Summer Vacay Arya will be available soon." - Jake the Dog
This article is about content that has yet to make it into the game and is tentative to change with new information!

Summer Vacay Arya is an upcoming Variant for Arya Stark.

How to Unlock

Stripe Icon.png"[Maniacal laughter] Stripe DESTROY section!" - Stripe
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To be announced...


Summer Vacay Arya appears to be an original Variant made for Arya Stark that puts her in modern, summertime attire. She has her hair in a messy ponytail, pink knee-high socks, and a pink robe over a green shirt. Her sword is now made of brightly colored foam and sports a cartoonier design.

