Arya Stark/Audio

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This is an audio sub-page related to Arya Stark.


List of Grunts
Audio Description
Plays when Arya charges an attack.
Plays when Arya lands a fully charged attack.
Plays when Arya lands a powerful attack.
Plays when Arya lands a medium attack.
Plays when Arya lands a normal attack.
Plays when Arya performs a dodge.
Plays when Arya jumps.
Plays when Arya lands on ground after jumping.
Plays when Arya is rung out.
Plays when Arya gets hurt.


Non-Combat Quotes

List of Quotes
Audio Transcript Description
"What is it?" Plays when interacting with Arya on the menu.
"What do you want?"
"Make this quick."
"Are we training? Or just having a chat?"
"Yes? I'm listening."
"Go on then. What?"
"I'm not a lady, and I never have been. That's not me." Plays when selecting Arya.
"A wolf of House Stark is not afraid."
"Time to stick em' with the pointy end."
"Nothing isn’t better or worse than anything. Nothing is just nothing."
"Always room for a few more on my list."
"A girl has no name."
"I was trained by the greatest swordsman who ever lived."
"Leave one wolf alive and the sheep are never safe."

Match Start Quotes

List of Quotes
Audio Transcript Description
"I don't care who I'm fighting. Just point me at the target." Plays when Arya Stark starts a match.
"My brother gave me this sword. Time to make good use of it."
"My father didn't back down. Neither will I."
"I have no intention of letting someone else be the victor."
"Winter is coming."
"Hmph. This won't last long."
"Tales of this will be told across Westeros."
"It's time for us to play the game of faces."
"Every hurt is a lesson. And every lesson makes you better. "
"We have much in common Batman... though you have too much mercy." Plays when fighting alongside Batman Batman Icon.png
"You and I understand each other."
"I've been very much looking forward to fighting by your side, Batman."
"You remind me of a knight I know from House Tarth." Plays when fighting alongside Wonder Woman WonderWoman Icon.png
"You end wars and I'll end lives."
"I should like to see this Themyscira. Is it West of Westeros?"
"That's Superman? Hah! He would look feeble next to the Mountain." Plays when fighting against Superman Superman Icon.png
"Never defeated a man from the stars before. First time for everything."
"So you're Superman? Hmph. The Hound is bigger."
"You won't be so confident after I'm done with your face Shaggy!" Plays when fighting against Shaggy Shaggy Icon.png
"Stop nattering about your power level and get ready to fight!"
"Do you even understand what's going on here, Shaggy?"
"Yeuch, there's something wrong with that dog." Plays when fighting against Jake the Dog Jake Icon.png
"You there! Stretchy dog! Prepare to die!"
"The stretchy dog will make a fine trophy on my wall."
"[sniff] What smells of alehouse?" Plays when fighting against Rick Rick Icon.png
"It appears someone's grandfather needs fetching."
"I almost feel sorry to strike an old man. Almost."

Respawn Quotes

List of Quotes
Audio Transcript Description
"You just made my list." Plays when Arya Stark respawns after getting rung out.
"The North never forgets."
"Each lesson makes us better."
"What do we say to the Many-Faced God?"
"Not today."
"This isn't the end for me."
"By the seven! You fight well."
"Our stories aren't over yet."
"Fortune smiled on you this time."
"Get me back in the fight!"
"I'll end you with a chicken bone if I have to!"
"You don't belong on the battlefield Shaggy!" Plays when fighting against Shaggy Shaggy Icon.png
"You should have stuck to those haunted houses."
"You're scared of your own shadow. You're not ready for *me*."
"Do you do anything besides unmask fake spirits?"
"Beaten by a stretchy dog? Impossible." Plays when fighting against Jake the Dog Jake Icon.png
"I will destroy that molten mutt."
"Hold still, dog."
"Time for bed, old man." Plays when fighting against Rick Rick Icon.png
"A girl may have no name, but you have no pride."
"A strongman from the stars against a child... How is this fair?" Plays when fighting against Superman Superman Icon.png
"The caped man is strong. Time for a new strategy."
"I will bury you in those red bloomers."

During Combat Quotes

List of Quotes
Audio Transcript Description
    "Strike!" Plays during Arya Stark's attacks.
"For the North!"
"I've come for you."
"Not today!"
"Don't underestimate me!"
"You're hopeless!"
"A useless effort!"
"Shh, Quiet."
"Never know the difference."
"Fits like a glove."
"Into the shadows!"
"Stealthy, now."
"I know what to do."
"They'll never know."
"I'll make it quick."
"I am a wolf!"
"Like the wind."
"Dodge this."
"Quick now."
"Take that!"
"How did that feel?"
"Bet that stung."
"A flawless disguise."
"Look familiar?"
"Mine now."
"Why thank you."
"Norville Rogers." Plays when fighting against Shaggy Shaggy Icon.png
"Take a bath!"
"Not strong enough!"
"Jake the Dog." Plays when fighting against Jake the Dog Jake Icon.png
"Bad dog!"
"Rick Sanchez." Plays when fighting against Rick Rick Icon.png
"You disgust me."
"You smell worse up close!"


List of Quotes
Audio Transcript Description
"Do not call me 'My Lady'." Plays when Arya emotes Default.
"I've survived worse than you, but you won't be able to say the same of me."
"I will introduce you to the Many-Faced God myself."
"I do hope you're ready."
"Fear cuts deeper than swords."
"You're not very smart, are you?"
"[Laughter]" Plays when Arya emotes Laugh.
"[Yawn]" Plays when Arya emotes Yawn.
"You like the dark, Batman, but I've fought blind. And won." Plays when fighting alongside Batman Batman Icon.png
"Why not try fighting in trousers, Batman?"
"I like that swoop attack Batman!"
"You think Gotham City is dangerous? Then you've never been to Flea Bottom."
"This world is no place for goodie two shoes." Plays when fighting against Superman Superman Icon.png
"That's the uniform you've chosen to fight in?"
"I don't need saving, Superman."
"You change the course of rivers, I'll change the course of history."
"Your fighting is as pathetic as that excuse for a beard on your chin." Plays when fighting against Shaggy Shaggy Icon.png
"You are lazy and gluttonous, and I will send you to the seven hells myself."
"This won't end well for you, you lazy fool."
"Food is not a weapon!"
"Heel, gloopy dog!" Plays when fighting against Jake the Dog Jake Icon.png
"Your glassy eyes unnerve and disturb me, dog."
"Put those Meeseeks away. They are giving me the shudders." Plays when fighting against Rick Rick Icon.png
"What a vile excuse for a Maester."

Win Quotes

List of Quotes
Audio Transcript Description
"When people ask you what happened here, tell them the north remembers." Plays when Arya wins a match.
"Valar Dohaeris."
"Was that all? Pathetic."
"Never to be seen again."
"A girl is Arya Stark of Winterfell."
"Another victory for House Stark."
"Thank you for this fight."
"Seven Hells, that was almost a challenge."
"You weren't even on my list."
"I'd like to head North now. "
"I think our teachers would be proud of us, Batman." Plays when fighting alongside Batman Batman Icon.png
"We won't stop until we have vengeance."
"Who needs vasals when you have Batman for an ally?"
"Shaggy, next match let's pit your dog against my dog." Plays when fighting against Shaggy Shaggy Icon.png
"Zoinks, indeed."
"A girl is not impressed by the infamous Shaggy."
"Your soft heart was your undoing, Kryptonian." Plays when fighting against Superman Superman Icon.png
"Stick to heroics, Superman. Leave the list to me."
"The House of El has honor, even in defeat."
"Go back to your master, dog." Plays when fighting against Jake the Dog Jake Icon.png
"No mutton pancakes for you tonight."
"Ha, you're no dire wolf, are you?"
"I love to put a disgusting old man in his proper place." Plays when fighting against Rick Rick Icon.png
"Your vile machines failed you."
"Perhaps you'll treat your squire better now, Rick."

Trailer Quotes

List of Quotes
Audio Transcript Description
00:27 "Where am I?" Heard in MultiVersus - Official Cinematic Trailer - "You're with Me!".
00:46 "Huh? Ugh"

Unused Quotes

List of Quotes
Audio Transcript Description
"Is something on your mind?" Would've played when interacting with Arya on the menu.
"Ah, you're here! Ready to train?"
"I was just practicing my waterdancing. What do you need?"
"Ha, I could tell it was you coming from a mile away."
"Care for some training? Can't promise I'll take it easy on you."
"You're doing alright, you know. Though I hope you don't let it go to your head."
"Someone once told me they'd like to pick their teeth with my sword... They paid dearly for that little 'joke.'"
"Have you ever been to Braavos? They say the giant statue comes alive to protect it, but I don't believe that. I don't think."
"What do you say to some friendly training? I won't even stab you this time."
"This is hardly the strangest collection of allies I've ever had."
"Good to see you! I was just polishing Needle... Want to look?"
"I know things are strange right now, but it's better than catching street birds in King's Landing."
"So... Who do you have on your list?"
"I've already been up for hours - Where have you been?" Would've played when interacting with Arya on the menu in the morning.
"I used to love watching the soldiers do their drills first thing in the morning. I'd study and memorize all their movements."
"When I was younger, I liked getting up early. It meant I could sneak around and not have to act like a 'lady' for a while."
"I'm itching to do something with this day. Come on!" Would've played when interacting with Arya on the menu in the afternoon.
"This is the time of day my sister would always drag me to some formal event or another. Such a waste of time."
"A fine evening for conversation, don't you think?" Would've played when interacting with Arya on the menu at night.
"Under the veil of night is the best time to attack."
"Valar Morghulis. Another sun sets over this world."
"I see you're still up! Should we make good use of this time and train?"
"In your world, they celebrate when winter comes? Madness." Would've played when interacting with Arya on the menu during Winter seasons.
"Do you have holiday festivals in your world? I'd love to see a festival."
"Winter holidays never made much sense to me, but I do like gifts and feasts... So I suppose I can see the appeal."
"I've never really been one for name days, myself." Would've played when interacting with Arya on the menu during the player's birthday.
"I'm not even sure how many name days I've had..."
"Happy name day to you, friend."
"I prefer dances done with a sword." Would've played in Arya Stark's scrapped Taunts.
"Water dancing... heard of it?"
"Hm. This list is getting long."
"Lot of names on my list."
"Perhaps it's time to cross some names off."
"Have I put *your* name on my list yet?"