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This is an audio sub-page related to Garnet.


List of Grunts
Audio Description
Plays when Garnet charges an attack.
Plays when Garnet lands a fully charged attack.
Plays when Garnet lands a powerful attack.
Plays when Garnet lands a medium attack.
Plays when Garnet lands a normal attack.
Plays when Garnet performs a dodge.
Plays when Garnet jumps.
Plays when Garnet lands on ground after jumping.
Plays when Garnet is rung out.
Plays when Garnet gets hurt.


Non-Combat Quotes

List of Quotes
Audio Transcript Description
"Regrettably, I am not much of a talker." Plays when interacting with Garnet on the menu.
"Hope you're ready to train. We've got work to do."
"I've already been training for hours if you'd care to join me."
"This place is so strange."
"Look who it is."
"I knew you'd come talk to me."
"I am always on the lookout for danger. We are safe for now."
"Good to see you."
"Tell me what you need."
"Howdy." Plays when selecting Garnet.
"Garnet here. Let's get to work."
"Oh I promise you've made the right choice."
"With me, it's like getting two for the price of one."
"Is there someone that needs punching? I can help with that."
"You have selected me. I knew that was coming."
"Just show me who we're fighting."
"Together, there's nothing we can't do."
"I won't let you down."

Match Start Quotes

List of Quotes
Audio Transcript Description
"Ready when you are." Plays when Garnet starts a match.
"Let's make this quick. I want to be home in time for together breakfast."
"This is going to be fun. I can tell."
"Sorry in advance for all the punching."
"I believe I've heard Steven call this a 'crossover.'"
"Stand together!"
"This is what I've been training for."
"I've been waiting to do this all day."
"Garnet, master of comedy."
"Get ready. I'm coming at you."
"Hm. Just like Steven's 'Lonely Blade games.'"
"My Future Vision tells me this will be no problem at all."
"[Humming main musical theme]"
"I am looking forward to seeing you in action, Wonder Woman." Plays when fighting alongside Wonder Woman WonderWoman Icon.png
"[friendly challenge] Shall we see who is stronger, Wonder Woman?"
"I've heard of you Amazons. All good things, I promise."
"I hope that lasso of yours is as powerful as they say."
"Keep your sword ready. This could get dangerous." Plays when fighting alongside Finn the Human Finn Icon.png
"Always a pleasure to have a crossover with you, Finn."
"Your enthusiasm reminds me so much of Steven. This will be fun."
"It's Adventure Time."
"I know you can do this, Steven." Plays when fighting alongside Steven Universe Steven Icon.png
"Just like in training. Don't panic. Don't lose your cool."
"Hope you brought your best moves, Steven."
"Hello, Steven. This will be fun."
"Don’t worry, Steven, we won’t need Sunstone to defeat these guys."
"This will be a laugh. Ha ha." Plays when fighting alongside Bugs Bunny Bugs Icon.png
"I always like fighting beside small woodland creatures."
"Howdy, Bugs."
"Hope you brought enough to share." Plays when fighting alongside Shaggy Shaggy Icon.png
"You have a surprising amount of power in you."
"Don't be scared, Shaggy."
"Finally. An ally as tall as me." Plays when fighting alongside LeBron James LeBron Icon.png
"Let's D up and stay on them."
"After we are done, I would like to request an autograph."
"Our team has a giant robot. I doubt your team does." Plays when fighting alongside Iron Giant IronGiant Icon.png
"Greetings, robot. Let's start punching things."
"I like your rocket feet."
"Oh look. A rich, selfish man in a cape." Plays when fighting against Batman Batman Icon.png
"No matter how many gadgets you have, none will be enough to stop me."
"I've heard of you, Batman. Defeating you will be an honor."
"Time to find out if you're as good as they say, Batman."
"A super strong fighter from an alien planet. Sounds familiar. " Plays when fighting against Superman Superman Icon.png
"Well come on then, Superman."
"I have wanted to match fists with you, Kryptonian."
"I see a lot of strength in you. I'm ready."
"I don't like your teeth. Or your fur. Or any of you." Plays when fighting against Taz Taz Icon.png
"You'd better not shed on me."
"Dibs on the furry monster."
"So cute! Must destroy." Plays when fighting against Gizmo Gizmo Icon.png
"I don't trust your giant ears."
"I can sense you are not as innocent as you appear."
"I am the only master of comedy here." Plays when fighting against The Joker Joker Icon.png
"Stop your dumb jokes!"
"I don't like clowns."

Respawn Quotes

List of Quotes
Audio Transcript Description
"This is unacceptable." Plays when Garnet respawns after getting rung out.
"I'm usually tougher than that."
"I must admit: That was pretty good."
"I don't know whether I am very angry or very impressed. Or maybe both."
"Not many people can take down a Fusion. Nice work."
"Well that was an improbable little pool in the timestream."
"Not bad. I can tell you've trained for this."
"Let's try that again."
"Those gadgets of yours are tricky." Plays when fighting against Batman Batman Icon.png
"I underestimated you, Batman."
"Fasten your cape. I'm back."
"Hm. You clearly know many martial arts."
"It seems Kryptonians are quite strong." Plays when fighting against Superman Superman Icon.png
"I won't let you do that again, Kryptonian."
"Not bad, Superman. Not bad at all."
"You're mine now, Kryptonian."
"You slobbered on my gauntlets." Plays when fighting against Taz Taz Icon.png
"I will get you back, marsupial."
"Stop that spinning."
"You are fast, girl. I will give you that." Plays when fighting against Arya Stark Arya Icon.png
"You assassin types are all the same."
"Your needle will not touch me again."
"Hold still, furry creature!" Plays when fighting against Gizmo Gizmo Icon.png
"I won't take it easy on you, because you're cute."
"I'll throw you with those silly ears."
"Your jokes are tired." Plays when fighting against The Joker Joker Icon.png
"Clown time is through!"
"I'll stop your laughing myself."

During Combat Quotes

List of Quotes
Audio Transcript Description
"Watch yourself." Plays during Garnet's attacks.
"Special delivery."
"Stronger together."
"Joke's on you - I'm never alone."
"For the Crystal Gems."
"Gauntlets ready."
"I am Garnet."
"Full impact."
"Look out."
"This is for you."
"Dodge this, if you can."
"You don't stand a chance."
"End of the line."
"Maximum force."
"Fusion power."
"I'll make this quick."
"Sorry about this."
"Face, meet fist."
"Coming for you."
"You should have stayed home."
"This might hurt."
"This won't end well for you."
"Gauntlet away."
"Better duck."
"Here it comes."
"Coming down."
"Here comes gravity."
"Look out below."
"I have the rhythm."
"Now these are moves."
"Dancing always came naturally to me."
"Music is an expression of love."
"Pay attention now."
"Watch my feet."
"Feel the beat."
"These moves are all mine."
"My moves are for more than fighting."
"Right in the bat-face." Plays when fighting against Batman Batman Icon.png
"Your gadgets are no match for me."
"Maybe you should Bat-surrender."
"I messed with the 'S'." Plays when fighting against Superman Superman Icon.png
"Sorry, Kryptonian."
"Up, up AND away."
"Never-ending battle? I'm in."
"Don't get fleas on me." Plays when fighting against Taz Taz Icon.png
"No more spinning."
"Chew on that!"
"Put the sword down." Plays when fighting against Arya Stark Arya Icon.png
"I don't want to hurt you."
"Hold still, Stark."
"Take this seriously." Plays when fighting against Harley Quinn Harley Icon.png
"Your lack of morals is troubling."
"I sense chaos in you."
"I will not bow." Plays when fighting against Black Adam BlackAdamIcon.png
"Shazam this."
"You are no king."
"Stop laughing!" Plays when fighting against The Joker Joker Icon.png
"Take that clown!"
"Time is up!"


List of Quotes
Audio Transcript Description
"I've been doing this since before you were born." Plays when Garnet emotes Default.
"I don't want to brag, but I am very good at this."
"Two for the price of one."
"This is what I have been training for."
"I am in perfect harmony."
"All comedy is derived from fear."
"Gauntlets: Ready. Outfit: On point."
"Party time."
"Hope you're paying attention."
"I will destroy you. Gracefully."
"No more holding back."
"Reality depends on me."
"Gauntlets, do not fail me now."
"You will find I am a survivor."
"I have faced far worse threats."
"I always have my best friend with me."
"Go ahead and try to hit me. If you're able." Plays when Garnet emotes Tap Dance.
"We'll always save the day."
"We'll always find a way."
"I'm *always* up for dancing."
"You can't touch these moves."
"Time to show them what an Amazon can do." Plays when fighting alongside Wonder Woman WonderWoman Icon.png
"I believe I would do well on Themyscira."
"I'd like you to teach Steven some of those shield moves."
"Perhaps we should arm-wrestle later."
"You're quite the warrior, Finn. You should be proud." Plays when fighting alongside Finn the Human Finn Icon.png
"I can tell you've been training. Nice job."
"Tell BMO hi from me. I always liked them."
"You and Pearl would have much to discuss about swords."
"You are doing wonderfully, Steven." Plays when fighting alongside Steven Universe Steven Icon.png
"Steven! Are you having as much fun as I am?"
"Wait until we tell the others about this."
"I'm counting on you, Steven."
"Whatever you’re worried about, it’s just a thought. It’s okay. I’m here."
"It is time to channel your power, Shaggy." Plays when fighting alongside Shaggy Shaggy Icon.png
"I would like to meet your dog one day."
"I can tell you have a good heart. Do not allow it to be corrupted."
"You make me laugh, rabbit." Plays when fighting alongside Bugs Bunny Bugs Icon.png
"I can be looney, too."
"You seem to have many rockets."
"Perhaps you should use those pointy ears to listen." Plays when fighting against Batman Batman Icon.png
"Batman, I think you might just need a hug."
"You've got a cool cape, but an uncool attitude."
"I think you're just mad because you're single." Plays when fighting against Batman Batman Icon.png (Tap Dance Taunt only)
"I hear you have a problem with crystals." Plays when fighting against Superman Superman Icon.png
"I like your little red pants, very stylish."
"I don't foresee this ending well for you, Superman."
"You can bend steel, but you can't break me."
"I am not sure what you are but I am guessing a rat-dog." Plays when fighting against Taz Taz Icon.png
"You are as ugly as you are smelly."
"You must be dizzy."
"You are too young to be so angry all the time." Plays when fighting against Arya Stark Arya Icon.png
"You must find inner peace, Arya."
"My Future Vision shows me a strange path for you."
"You are not a very happy person." Plays when fighting against The Joker Joker Icon.png
"I will show you a *true* master of comedy!"
"I will never understand clowns."

Win Quotes

List of Quotes
Audio Transcript Description
"I knew I would win." Plays when Garnet wins a match.
"Well. That's over."
"The. End."
"I can't wait to tell Steven about this when I get home."
"Told you I was the strongest."
"Just as I suspected. Victory."
"Don't feel bad. I'm just extremely good."
"I am the winner. I am ecstatic."
"I am made of love."
"A Crystal Gem and an Amazon. Perfect harmony." Plays when fighting alongside Wonder Woman WonderWoman Icon.png
"It was an honor to fight beside the Justice League's finest."
"You Amazons don't disappoint."
"You are even stronger than some Gems I know. Nice work."
"Already such an impressive warrior at your age." Plays when fighting alongside Finn the Human Finn Icon.png
"Your sword and my gauntlets made quite the team."
"Another successful cross-over."
"Just as I predicted. We won." Plays when fighting alongside Steven Universe Steven Icon.png
"Donuts are on me. To the nearest warp pad!"
"I'm very proud of you, Steven."
"You've done Beach City proud."
"Carrots are on me." Plays when fighting alongside Bugs Bunny Bugs Icon.png
"An honor to fight beside you, rabbit."
"Looks like it was not rabbit season after all. Ha ha."
"I am glad all that power is on our side." Plays when fighting alongside Shaggy Shaggy Icon.png
"I hope you manage to satiate your hunger."
"I suppose that is one mystery solved."
"I would say that was... a slam dunk." Plays when fighting alongside LeBron James LeBron Icon.png
"Choo-choo, L-Train. Choo-choo."
"I really must try your 'basketball' sometime."
"Superman would be proud of you." Plays when fighting alongside Iron Giant IronGiant Icon.png
"Your body is iron, but your heart is gold."
"I have never fought beside a finer robot."
"Guess you couldn't afford *that* win." Plays when fighting against Batman Batman Icon.png
"Go back to your Man Cave."
"Time to get back in your bat-car and drive away."
"Maybe you'll pack the right gadgets next time."
"Crystal Gem beats Kryptonian. Just as I thought." Plays when fighting against Superman Superman Icon.png
"I hope we can be allies someday, Superman."
"You were strong, but it looks like I was stronger."
"Take a break, Superman. I'll protect Earth for a while."
"I knew a furry tornado could not beat me." Plays when fighting against Taz Taz Icon.png
"Now go shed on someone else."
"Maybe now you will stop spinning."
"Perhaps now we can be friends, furry creature." Plays when fighting against Gizmo Gizmo Icon.png
"I hate having to fight something so cute, but I hate to lose more."
"I am sorry you could not win this time, Gizmo."
"Now the jokes are over." Plays when fighting against The Joker Joker Icon.png
"Go back to the circus."
"See? no one was laughing."

Trailer Quotes

List of Quotes
Audio Transcript Description
01:07 "Not cool." Heard in MultiVersus - Official Cinematic Trailer - "You're with Me!".
00:03 "Let's get to work." Heard in MultiVersus - Official Developer Update: The Road to Launch.

Unused Quotes

List of Quotes
Audio Transcript Description
"Back home *I'm* the leader. It's nice to relax." Would've played when interacting with Garnet on the menu.
"Just because I'm the strongest doesn't mean I don't know how to party."
"I hear we are trying to save the entire Multiverse. Seems... reasonable."
"I think Steven is homesick."
"This strange place has me on guard."
"I'm afraid that Pearl and Amethyst are the 'chatty' Crystal Gems but I'll do my best."
"Love is the answer."
"It has been too long since I've been on a mission. I'm feeling... ready."
"I hope the others are doing all right. Sometimes I worry that they'd all poof each other without me around."
"Steven once asked me if I needed to charge my Gauntlets like a mobile phone. [chuckle]"
"[Whisper] Don't believe what the other Gems tell you. I'm the funny one."
"I don't actually need to eat, but I would do anything for a Cookie Cat right now."
"Permanent Fusions *are* rare, but so is the love my two halves feel for each other."
"There is a young warrior named Finn who is also here. I believe he and Steven would make fine friends."
"There was a point in my life when I was only happy in battle. I am glad to have grown comfortable with stillness."
"I was once told that my fighting resembled a style of dance called 'Waacking.' I wonder if they stole it from me."
"It's a scary thing, trying to save the whole Multiverse. But if we stick together I think we'll manage."
"My dear friend Rose Quartz once told me 'No more questions.' And since then... I never have."
"The Crystal Gems might not always get along, but we're always strongest together."
"When this battle is over, I'd like to introduce you to Ruby and Sapphire. I know they'd like you."
"Good morning." Would've played when interacting with Garnet on the menu in the morning.
"I had a suspicion you would be up at this hour. It is nice to see you."
"A perfect hour for together breakfast."
"There is still a lot of time left today. What you do with it is up to you." Would've played when interacting with Garnet on the menu in the afternoon.
"Be sure to have lunch. It's a powerful meal. For humans."
"Still plenty of time to train today."
"Don't forget to sleep. I know you humans need that." Would've played when interacting with Garnet on the menu at night.
"As a Crystal Gem, I do not require sleep... But it is still fun now and again."
"How I'd love to go stargazing right now. It has always been one of my favorite things."
"I have always found human holidays so charming." Would've played when interacting with Garnet on the menu during Winter seasons.
"Happy holidays. I hope you are singing songs and... decorating plants."
"It seems it is the holiday time again. May all your sweaters be ugly."
"I see it's your birthday. I hope it's agreeable." Would've played when interacting with Garnet on the menu during the player's birthday.
"My 'age' is an illusion, and so I do not need to celebrate my birthday. I hope yours is wonderful, though."
"Happy birthday, friend. I hope we are back in time for Steven's next birthday."
"[Laughter]" Would've played in Garnet's scrapped Taunts.