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Shaggy Icon.png"Like, ZOINKS dude. Looks like our work here isn't finished yet!" - Shaggy
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This is an audio sub-page related to Morty.



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List of Grunts
Audio Description
Used to play when Morty/Evil Morty landed a powerful attack.
Used to play when Morty/Evil Morty landed a medium attack.
Used to play when Morty/Evil Morty landed a normal attack.
Used to play when Morty/Evil Morty performed a dodge.
Used to play when Morty/Evil Morty jumped.
Used to play when Morty/Evil Morty landed on ground after jumping.
Used to play when Morty/Evil Morty was rung out.
Used to play when Morty/Evil Morty got hurt.


Non-Combat Quotes

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Match Start Quotes

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Respawn Quotes

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During Combat Quotes

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Win Quotes

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Removed/Unused Quotes

List of Quotes
Audio Transcript Description
"Hey." Used to play when interacting with Morty/Evil Morty on the menu.
"Maybe.. I think?"
"Is that ooze, or.. I'm not sure what to call it."
"What? No I don't want to see your pog collection."
"I thi-I think my voice is annoying."
"So true.."
"How do you know this isn't some kind of crazy trick?"
"Blue pill or red pill. What'll it be, bro?"
"Huh.. how bout' that?"
"Things are good!"
"Hey there!"
"How ya doin'?"
"Great to meet you!"
"W-wait. Huh?"
"What's goin' on fellas?"
"We're just hanging out and stuff."
"Oh, hey!"
"I'm Morty C-137!" Used to play when selecting Morty/Evil Morty.
"Beacon received!"
"I-I'm Morty."
"Why don't you do what I do and just go with the flow?"
"Do what you gotta do."
"Okay here we go!"
"Okay fine, I'm in."
"Nothing's wrong with putting your faith in a Morty."
"You know how long I've been waiting for this?"
"Aw, geeze."
"A-a-about time."
"I'm Morty."
"No problem. I-I got your back, dawg." Used to play when Morty/Evil Morty started a match.
"Wee shall."
"Oh man, okay, alright!"
"What do you want me to do to get their attention, put on a puppet show?"
"Hey! Y-you're here too!"
"[stammering] I-I.. I'm not a super hero!"
"We gotta stop 'em!"
"You should be terrified."
"Ho-lee shit"
" real!"
"[panicked] Oh, I wanna be a regular kid!"
"This is out there, even for us."
"We'll wipe them out and leave no trace of them."
"It's okay, you don't gotta do this!"
"Just stay with me."
"[stammering] Is this the first part of some kind of magic trick?" Used to play when fighting alongside Rick Rick Icon.png
"Did you do this on purpose to get out of family counseling?"
"Rick says good and bad are artificial constructions."
"Yes Rick, I agree Rick."
"You said I could go to school today!"
"We've been going non-stop Rick, it's not healthy!"
"Happy to help, Rick!"
"World's greatest grandpa, for reals."
"He's not my Rick, he's my partner!"
"I see every Rick as my Rick."
"Would you just show me how to stay alive?"
"Geeze Rick, I don't wanna die!"
"Come on Rick, we're almost there."
"I'm sorry!" Used to play when Morty/Evil Morty respawned after getting rung out.
"Oh man, I don't feel good!"
"Someone make this stop!"
"I hope you're proud of yourself!"
"Ugh.. I totally get it"
"I-I'm so sorry"
"Just focus on the missions, alright?"
"Agh! What happened?"
"Everything huuurts!"
"Do NOT even."
"You have no need to explain, it's all good!"
"No damage, no worries!"
"I'm okay.. I'm okay."
"Geeze ohhh."
"Ohh ho ho ho ha"
"Ohhh shit."
"Isn't this strange?"
"I'm fine!"
"That was all on me."
"What? W-what kind of monster are you?"
"What the hell?!"
"Pfft, that's on you."
"I'm gonna kill you!"
"Ugh, this sucks."
"Why is this happening to me?!"
"Aw geeze!" Used to play during Morty's/Evil Morty's attacks.
"Haha yeah!"
"Ahh geeze!"
"Come on, come on!"
"I had nothing to do with this!"
"Who else wants some?"
"Holy crap!"
"Woah, yeah!"
"[laser mouth sounds]"
"Aw geeeze!"
"You're legit!"
"Nice and zen, baby."
"You're the boss."
"Hey over here, look at me!"
"Holy shit!"
"You know what?"
"Shut up!"
"Agh! Why did all the drinks have to be extra large?" Used to play when Morty/Evil Morty emoted Default and Head Bent Over.
"We could either do this the easy way or the hard way."
"Mmm! Is this organic?"
"Mortys are raised to be side kicks. WIthout a side to kick.. they just start kickin'."
"I'm part of an experimental line of Mortys with a drama implant!"
"I wannna have fun, classic Rick and Morty adventures, like in the old days."
"Stop doing meta commentary. Just have fun."
"I haven't been to a full week of school in years, I don't know shit!"
"Yes!" Used to play when Morty/Evil Morty had finished emoting Default.
"That's a good step. That's a solid step to something." Used to play when Morty/Evil Morty won a match.
"Totally worth it."
"Ooooooh snap!"
"Oh, you did it!"
"We're gonna ride it all night loooong!"
"Lesson one, rookie. Expect the unexpected."
"I guess we won't be seeing each other after this, huh?"
"They won't be causin' any trouble anymore."
"That's.. That's one.. one heck of a story."
"Morty you dirty little doggie."
"Yeah, hoo-hoo!"
"Dream team rides again!"
"[laugh]" Would've played in Morty's/Evil Morty's scrapped Taunts.
  • Bold quotes denote quotes that will only play if the "Mature Language" option is toggled on in the Settings menu.