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This is an audio sub-page related to Batman and The Animated Series Batman.


List of Grunts
Audio Description
Plays when Batman/The Animated Series Batman charges an attack.
Plays when Batman/The Animated Series Batman lands a fully charged attack.
Plays when Batman/The Animated Series Batman lands a powerful attack.
Plays when Batman/The Animated Series Batman lands a medium attack.
Plays when Batman/The Animated Series Batman lands a normal attack.
Plays when Batman/The Animated Series Batman performs a dodge.
Plays when Batman/The Animated Series Batman jumps.
Plays when Batman/The Animated Series Batman lands on ground after jumping.
Plays when Batman/The Animated Series Batman is rung out.
Plays when Batman/The Animated Series Batman gets hurt.


Non-Combat Quotes

List of Quotes
Audio Transcript Description
"I bet you could use my help." Plays when interacting with Batman/The Animated Series Batman on the menu.
"Got the details on the next mission?"
"Oh. It's you."
"What do you need?"
"Yes, what is it?"
"Make it quick, okay?"
"I'm here. What do you need?"
"Batman here. Go ahead."
"Yeah, I'm listening."
"You've got my attention."
"I am vengeance. I am the night." Plays when selecting Batman/The Animated Series Batman.
"Our foes are a cowardly and superstitious lot."
"Justice doesn't sleep."
"They'll never see me coming."
"Glad I brought the utility belt."
"It's not who we are underneath, it's what we do that defines us."
"Well then. I guess it's up to me."
"I am darkness. I am the night. I am Batman."

Match Start Quotes

List of Quotes
Audio Transcript Description
"Time to exact some justice." Plays when Batman/The Animated Series Batman starts a match.
"Luckily I've got a plan for this."
"Of course I'm prepared - I'm Batman.",
"Scum like this never lasts long."
"Got some batarangs polished just for the occasion."
"You really think you're the toughest I've gone up against?"
"Time to say goodnight."
"Let's get this over with."
"Let's see how fast that sword is, Arya. " Plays when fighting alongside Arya Stark Arya Icon.png
"Time to put that water dancing to work."
"Arya, show them what Syrio taught you."
"Try your best to stay non-lethal, Stark?"
"Let's do this just like the Justice League playbook." Plays when fighting alongside Wonder Woman WonderWoman Icon.png
"Now stay alert. Don't let them get the best of you, Wonder Woman."
"Believe it or not, Diana, I've got a plan for this."
"Let's do this just like the Watchtower simulator."
"Let's see if you're as powerful as they say." Plays when fighting alongside Shaggy Shaggy Icon.png
"Not the first time I've teamed up with Mystery, Inc."
"Eyes on me, Shaggy."
"Check those power levels."
"Stretchy magic is a go." Plays when fighting alongside Jake the Dog Jake Icon.png
"Adventure Time indeed."
"Let's do Ooo proud."
"I love a good team-up with a good dog."
"Follow my lead, Finn." Plays when fighting alongside Finn the Human Finn Icon.png
"Now this is what I call a detective team-up." Plays when fighting alongside Velma Velma Icon.png
Let me know if you need a spare magnifying glass."
"Glasses on tight?"
"Keep an eye out for clues."
Let's not make this a habit, Joker." Plays when fighting alongside The Joker Joker Icon.png
You're an unlikely ally, Joker."
"I'm taking you back to Arkham, as soon as this is over."
"Superman... I'll beat you *without* Kryptonite." Plays when fighting against Superman Superman Icon.png
"Computer? Load up the Anti-Kryptonian strategy."
"You vs. me again, Clark? Haven't we done this enough before?"
"You have to be stopped, Superman."
"Who invited the boy scout? "
"Fantastic. It's Harley Quinn." Plays when fighting against Harley Quinn Harley Icon.png
"You again? Don't you ever learn, Quinzel?"
"You can't keep doing this, Harley. Haven't I put you away enough times already?"
"Note to self: Watch out for Harley's hammer."
"I see a pest to eliminate." Plays when fighting against Taz Taz Icon.png
"More Circus of Strange?"
"Spinning capability appears near limitless. Approach with caution."
"Should've brought a Bat Flea Collar."
"Tell me, do you bleed?" Plays when fighting against Shaggy Shaggy Icon.png
"Like you're the first all-powerful being I've ever fought."
"Lemme guess - Toxic waste? Irradiated dog treats?"
"The power level my Bat-Scanner is detecting... It's impossible."
"Once again, it looks like you and me Joker!" Plays when fighting against The Joker Joker Icon.png
"Even this far from Gotham, I won't let you win!"
"The Joker's mine."
"I'm coming for you, Joker."
"No more jokes, no more tricks, let's finish this!"
"You never should've left Gotham."
"I swear I'll see you in Arkham if it's the last thing I do!"
"How do you all keep finding your way in here?" Plays when fighting on the Batcave BatcaveIcon.png
"Did Alfred let you in?"
"The Batcave’s security system must be compromised."

Respawn Quotes

List of Quotes
Audio Transcript Description
"This isn't over yet." Plays when Batman/The Animated Series Batman respawns after getting rung out.
"It's not my time."
"I've still got work to do."
"No. Can't rest."
"Just need to change tactics."
"Okay, new strategy."
"Now it's personal."
"I could do this all night. Try me."
"Get over here."
"Justice will come for you."
"Back in action."
"One more time."
"Not this time."
"Sorry, not that easy."
"I've fought worse."
"Okay, that one stung."
"Not a chance."
"You thought I was done?"
"Oof. Not pulling punches, huh Clark?" Plays when fighting against Superman Superman Icon.png
"Anti-Superman plan B..."
"Maybe I should've brought my kryptonite after all."
"Hope you've still got that Kryptonian resurrection suit."
"Ugh. You may even be stronger than the Joker now." Plays when fighting against Harley Quinn Harley Icon.png
"No more underestimating Dr. Quinzel."
"Getting sloppy if a clown can beat me."
"You never stop switching sides, do you Harley?"
"Hope you didn't give me fleas." Plays when fighting against Taz Taz Icon.png
"Hold still, furball."
"Sending you back to the zoo."
"I've got slobber all over me."
"Need to analyze those sandwiches." Plays when fighting against Shaggy Shaggy Icon.png
"Those rumors about his power level are true..."
"Haven't seen meta-human activity like that in a long time."
"Hope Darkseid never hears about you."
"That stretchy magic packs a wallop." Plays when fighting against Jake the Dog Jake Icon.png
"Ung. Tough dog."
"You'd give Plas a run for his money."
"Computer: Deploy rubber dog countermeasures."
"Can't let him get in my head." Plays when fighting against The Joker Joker Icon.png
"Won't take me off that easy, Joker."
"You get some new tricks, Joker? I'm almost impressed."
"That move was old the last time you tried it."
"Ugh, that was just like when he teamed up with Mr. Freeze."
"Now you've just made me mad, Joker."
"Time to put you on the bottom of the deck, where you belong."
"Can't get sloppy, have to beat him."

During Combat Quotes

List of Quotes
Audio Transcript Description
"See ya." Plays during Batman's/The Animated Series Batman's attacks.
"Smoke bomb!"
"Need some cover."
"I'm gone."
"Batman out."
"Going dark."
"Stealth mode."
"Need smoke."
"Smoke deployed."
"Cover deployed."
"Cover activated."
"Deploying smoke."
"This should provide some cover."
"Stay sharp."
"On target."
"Nailed it."
"Got my target."
"Bomb ready."
"Watch out."
"Batbomb armed."
"Deploying explosive."
"Planting Batbomb."
"Bomb out."
"Batbomb deployed."
"One batbomb."
"Take that!"
"Got 'em."
"Can't use that yet."
"That's not ready."
"Batarang's not ready."
"Out of batarangs."
"Still prepping Batarangs."
"Out of smoke."
"Still priming smoke."
"Smoke bomb's not ready."
"No smoke right now."
"Out of Batbombs."
"Batbomb's not ready yet."
"Can't use a bomb yet."
"Bomb's not ready."
"Sorry, Superman." Plays when fighting against Superman Superman Icon.png
"Invulnerable as ever, I see."
"Feel that one, Clark?"
"Hit: Superman."
"Stay down!" Plays when fighting against Harley Quinn Harley Icon.png
"I hate clowns."
"Take that, Quinn."
"Hit the clown."
"Bullseye on Quinn."
"Harley Quinn, hit."
"Eat this, fleabag." Plays when fighting against Taz Taz Icon.png
"Aiming for the furball."
"Eugh. You drooled on it."
"This one's for Shaggy!" Plays when fighting against Shaggy Shaggy Icon.png
"Targeting Shaggy."
"Eat this, hippie."
"You are rubber..." Plays when fighting against Jake the Dog Jake Icon.png
"Bomb for the dog."
"Let's test that iron." Plays when fighting against Iron Giant IronGiant Icon.png
"Aiming for the robot."
"Big target."
"Got the clown." Plays when fighting against The Joker Joker Icon.png
"Joker's hit!"
"Joker, corner pocket."
"Maybe that'll shut you up."
"That one has your name one it."
"Made that one just for you."
"You like how that felt, Joker?"
"Not laughing now?"


List of Quotes
Audio Transcript Description
"I'm taking you down." Plays when Batman/The Animted Series Batman emotes Default.
"I'm Batman. And I'll stop you."
"Got a batarang with your name on it."
"This isn't your lucky day."
"Brave enough to face me in the shadows?"
"This won't end well for you."
"Augh, watch out." Plays when Batman/The Animted Series Batman emotes Accidental Bomb.
"Hgn. Lost that one."
"Look out - misfire."
"Hm. Stupid bat-butter-fingers."
"I really gotta alphabetize these things." Plays when Batman/The Animted Series Batman emotes Utility Belt.
"Never unprepared."
"Where'd I put that-- Ah, there it is."
"Oh wow I forgot I packed THAT."
"Who do you think would win in a fight: Syrio, or Raz Al-Ghul?" Plays when fighting alongside Arya Stark Arya Icon.png
"I admire someone who channels their vengeance productively."
"Arya, if you had some gadgets you'd give me a run for my money."
"You remind me a bit of myself when I was younger, Arya."
"You really are a wonder." Plays when fighting alongside Wonder Woman WonderWoman Icon.png
"You go high, I'll go low."
"Glad you brought the sword."
"Points for power, Wonder Woman, but you need to work on your subtlety."
"You ever get any new moves, Clark? I know all your old ones." Plays when fighting against Superman Superman Icon.png
"You're scared, Superman. Admit it."
"Those fancy powers of yours can't touch years of training and preparation."
"I don't have to be stronger than you, Clark. Just smarter."
"Harley, do we really need to do this AGAIN? You know how it ends every time." Plays when fighting against Harley Quinn Harley Icon.png
"[Sigh] Really hoped that you'd retire when you and Joker split."
"That stupid hammer is SO impractical!"
"Really wish I could go ONE DAY without seeing a psychotic clown."
"Down, fuzzball." Plays when fighting against Taz Taz Icon.png
"I exterminate pests like you all the time."
"Didn't anyone teach you not to slobber?"
"I'd tell you to stick to mysteries, but you're bad at that too." Plays when fighting against Shaggy Shaggy Icon.png
"You try and unmask me, it'll be the last thing you do."
"Do you keep those sandwiches in your PANTS? Eugh."
"What do you want? A tennis ball?" Plays when fighting against Jake the Dog Jake Icon.png
"Why don't you shapeshift yourself a muzzle?"
"Your dead, soulless eyes are making me uncomfortable."
"Stay down, clown." Plays when fighting against The Joker Joker Icon.png
"You have GOT to get some new material."
"I don't know what's worse: your reign of terror, or bad comedy."

Win Quotes

List of Quotes
Audio Transcript Description
"Hope you learned something." Plays when Batman/The Animated Series Batman wins a match.
"Never had a doubt."
"Nothing personal."
"Barely broke a sweat."
"Pretty good."
"This is over."
"Told you. I'm Batman."
"Sorry, crime. You lose again."
"Could've been cleaner, but I'll take it."
"Computer: Log that one under Very Badass."
"Like you doubted me."
"And that's why I'm Batman."
"More like World's Greatest Everything."
"That's what we call winning."
"Party at Wayne Manor, anyone?"
"It never gets easier, Arya, but it does make you sharper." Plays when fighting alongside Arya Stark Arya Icon.png
"You ever stop and wonder if dedicating your life to vengeance is a waste...? Yeah, me neither."
"I'll show you some ninjitsu if you teach me that water dancing."
"I think you and my son Damian would get along."
"Always a pleasure to fight alongside an Amazon." Plays when fighting alongside Wonder Woman WonderWoman Icon.png
"Another one in the bag, Wonder Woman. Now wanna see whose jet is faster?"
"Are those some new moves, Wonder Woman? I gotta add those to your file..."
"Nice work. Making me nostalgic for that time with Starro. The, uh, first one."
"That was a good fight, Superman. You should give it a rest til the next one." Plays when fighting against Superman Superman Icon.png
"I have to admit - I was a little worried Clark had that one."
"I've lost count, Clark. How many times have I beaten you now...?"
"Don't worry, Superman. I'm *sure* you'll get the next one."
"Now, for the love of Gotham, would you STAY in Arkham this time?" Plays when fighting against Harley Quinn Harley Icon.png
"Make no mistake: I'm still keeping my eye on you, Harley."
"Tell all the other creeps, Quinzel - Batman's still out there."
"Should've never left your old job, Harley."
"Now would you stop spinning?" Plays when fighting against Taz Taz Icon.png
"I'll be washing off slobber for days."
"Eugh, how much do you shed?"
"Sleep it off, furball."
"It's not all about power levels." Plays when fighting against Shaggy Shaggy Icon.png
"That's one mystery solved."
"Go eat another box of dog treats."
"I'm going to be keeping an eye on you, Shaggy..."
"Hope you snap back into shape." Plays when fighting against Jake the Dog Jake Icon.png
"Maybe next time, stretchy dog."
"In Ooo you might've won... but this isn't Ooo."
"You're one of the toughest dogs I've fought, I'll give you that."
"Time to put you away, Joker." Plays when fighting against The Joker Joker Icon.png
"Looks like I had the last laugh this time."
"I wish I could say this is the end, but we both know that's not true."
"See Joker? I always win in the end."
"That's another one for Batman."
"That one's for Barbara."
"Guess you'll have to try harder next time, Joker."
"Hope you don't cry yourself to sleep."

Trailer Quotes

List of Quotes
Audio Transcript Description
00:10 "Computer, what's my location? Computer!" Heard in MultiVersus - Official Cinematic Trailer - "You're with Me!".
00:30 "Look out!"
00:13 "Need some clowns." Heard in MultiVersus – Official The Joker “Send in the Clowns!” Gameplay Trailer.
00:15 "I admire the Joker."
00:18 "I hate justice."
01:22 "Hello." Heard in MultiVersus - Official PvE Rifts Mode Overview.
02:23 "Queen."

Unused Quotes

List of Quotes
Audio Transcript Description
"Don't get cocky. We've still got a lot of work ahead of us." Would've played when interacting with Batman/The Animated Series Batman on the menu.
"If only I could get through to Alfred..."
"Don't worry - I'm sure I'll come up with a plan. Somehow..."
"Hope you're staying sharp out there."
"Do you have a plan?"
"You're doing fine. Keep it up."
"Hey. What can I do for you?"
"Batman here. Ready to get to work?"
"Crazy times... What's up?"
"What's on your mind?"
"Team seems like they're getting tired. Hope you're doing alright."
"Hey. Just wanted to let you know that you're doing a great job."
"If I know you, you've got a plan up your sleeve."
"Good to see you. What now?"
"I hope you're not listening to Harley Quinn. She can't be trusted you know."
"Hey friend. Any news?"
"These are strange times, but with you in charge I think we might just be okay."
"I sure hope everyone back in Gotham is alright."
"This isn't gonna be easy, but stick together and we'll be fine."
"I'm ready to go whenever you are."
"Justice never sleeps...  but I should occasionally." Would've played when interacting with Batman/The Animated Series Batman on the menu in the morning.
"I'm getting the impression you're a morning person."
"Morning. I could go for some green juice, or maybe creatine."
"The sun's setting, get ready." Would've played when interacting with Batman/The Animated Series Batman on the menu in the afternoon.
"Hope you had a good morning... Now back to the plan."
"This is the time of day Alfred would start hounding me, to eat something."
"You're working late." Would've played when interacting with Batman/The Animated Series Batman on the menu at night.
"Night owl, huh? Me too."
"I prefer the nighttime don’t you?"
"I don't want to hear anything about jingle bells..." Would've played when interacting with Batman/The Animated Series Batman on the menu during Winter seasons.
"Wow, is it that time of year already? Happy holidays."
"Alfred always decorates the manor this time of year, and every year I pretend I don't like it."
"I heard it's your birthday. Now, what's up?" Would've played when interacting with Batman/The Animated Series Batman on the menu during the player's birthday.
"It's your birthday, right? Happy Birthday."
"Have I ever told you about the time the Joker threw me a birthday party? Hard to enjoy cake after that."
"You ever heard of the Batusi?" Would've played in Batman's/The Animated Series Batman's scrapped Taunts.
"Dancing and fighting aren't so different."
"Don't even need Bat-dancing shoes."
"I'll tell you what my superpower is: Being rich."
"Time to make it Bat-rain."
"You know these gadgets don't come cheap."
"I've been doing this move since before it was cool."
"Caped crusader in the house."
"Hey there, haters."