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This is an audio sub-page related to Fern.


List of Grunts
Audio Description
Plays when Fern charges an attack.
Plays when Fern lands a fully charged attack.
Plays when Fern lands a powerful attack.
Plays when Fern lands a medium attack.
Plays when Fern lands a normal attack.
Plays when Fern performs a dodge.
Plays when Fern jumps.
Plays when Fern lands on ground after jumping.
Plays when Fern is rung out.
Plays when Fern gets hurt.


Non-Combat Quotes

List of Quotes
Audio Transcript Description
"Fern Mertens here!" Plays when interacting with Fern on the menu.
"Okay, so I'm not THE Finn but I'm still pretty good. Maybe better."
"Oh I am feeling extra leafy today."
"Boy am I hungry but I don't know what to eat. Kidding. PHOTOSYNTHESIS."
"You know that feeling when you've got a tickle at the back of your frond? No?"
"I wish you could solve all problems by severing a tendon."
"Oh, it's time for a big boy fight, huh?" Plays when selecting Fern.
"Finn here. I mean Fern. Fern."
"Who needs chopping?"
"Oh wow you're picking me, huh?"
"Sure you didn't mean to pick Finn?"
"Yes. Great choice. Mmhmm."
"Fern's the name, rhyming's not my thing."
"What? Oh, okay."
"I'm one hundred percent hero. Everyone knows that."
"*I'm* Finn Mertens, man."

Match Start Quotes

List of Quotes
Audio Transcript Description
"You down to try this Fern style?" Plays when Fern starts a match.
"I think it's time for violence."
"I've got some impulse control issues."
"Don't dink this up, Fern…"
"Don't call me Grass Finn!"
"Grass boys don't bleed. How about you?"
"Whoop whoop, fightin' time!"
"Oh, it IS a big boy fight."
"Glad I photosynthesized this morning."
"Oh, boy. My favorite."
"Garnet! It's me! Regular old Finn the Human!" Plays when alongside Garnet Garnet Icon.png
"Let's put the squoze on 'em, Garnet."
"A Grass Boy and a Crystal Gem. Neat."
"You and Finn had a crossover before, right?"
"Just treat me like you'd treat other Finn, okay?" Plays when alongside Jake the Dog Jake Icon.png
"I'm like your brother, only leafier."
"Ha ha yeah. Classic Fern and Jake team-up fight."
"Jake, rake, birthday cake!"
"A Finn-Fern team-up. Excellent." Plays when alongside Finn the Human Finn Icon.png
"Watch me, Finn! Watch me!"
"Ooo's greatest heroes fighting together again!"
"No hard feelings about all that evil grass magic stuff, right?"
"Oh I've heard all about you, Morty." Plays when alongside Morty Morty Icon.png
"Wow look at me teamed up with THE Morty."
"I like your giant arm. Can it kill people?"
"Do you have any science junk for severing tendons?"

Respawn Quotes

List of Quotes
Audio Transcript Description
"Augh, dinked it up again!" Plays when Fern respawns after getting rung out.
"Gotta learn from my dinks."
"Don't be a scrub-up, Fern!"
"Think think think, what would Finn do?"
"Okay, now I'm gonna sever your tendons."
"Get outta here with that bad jazz."
"C'mon, Fern style! FERN STYLE."
"Man I wish I had tree senses."
"Boy that was a taste of my own mortality. Ha."
"I am glad Neptr wasn't here to see that."
"Don't worry I'm still 100% hero stuff." Plays when Fern fighting alongside Finn the Human Finn Icon.png
"Phew. Just like back at the treehouse."
"No, not dead yet!"
"Don't tell BMO about that okay?"
"That could've totally happened to Finn too." Plays when Fern fighting alongside Jake the Dog Jake Icon.png
"Brother! Were you worried about me?"
"You couldn't have stretched over to help me?!"
"I bet you would've saved the REAL Finn…"

During Combat Quotes

List of Quotes
Audio Transcript Description
"HiYAH!" Plays during Fern's attacks.
"Fern style!"
"Just like Finn."
"Big Boy coming through!"
"Whoa, here I go!"
"Ferrrrn Mertens!"
"Chop chop chop!"
"Slice and dice!"
"Let's sever some tendons!"
"Grass sword go!"
"Schwing! Schwing!"
"Socko! Leaf fist!"
"Fist in your face!"
"Physical violence!"
"Who's Finn now?"
"Grass feet go!"
"Time for grass to do the steppin'!"
"Kick kick kick kick--"
"Armor breaker!"
"Leafy speed--!"
"These boots were made for SPEED."
"Now I'm faster than Finn!"
"Protect the leafy buns."
"You gotta protect those buns."
"Now THESE are Big Boy pants."
"Get 'em, BMO!"
"I'm just like Finn, right BMO?"


List of Quotes
Audio Transcript Description
"Fern the Human, 100% hero!" Plays when Fern emotes Default.
"Did I hear someone say they need a chopping?"
"I think I'd make a great Finn, don't you?"
"Don't skrunk with me, man."
"Wow. You're a real so and so huh? Ha."
"Ah! I can't breathe! Oh wait, I never breathe."
"[quiet] You wanna do this library style?"
"These are those big boy dance moves." Plays when Fern emotes Baby Dance.
"I've got all of Finn's good dance memories."
"Dancing is heroic in its own way."
"Can you introduce me to Watermelon Steven?" Plays when fighting alongside Garnet Garnet Icon.png
"Wow, can you teach me to punch like you?"
"I see why Finn likes you so much, Garnet."
"Are there any grass boys on your planet?"
"Ha ha. Just like back at the treehouse, am I right? Boy." Plays when fighting alongside Jake the Dog Jake Icon.png
"More like Adven-Fern Time. Am I right?"
"I'll chop 'em, you do stretchy stuff."
"Just two brothers fighting evil, right?"
"Don't worry. I don't think I'm totally evil yet." Plays when fighting alongside Finn the Human Finn Icon.png
"Don't mind me, Finn, just observing you."
"So that's how YOU do hero stuff, Interesting!"
"I bet people can barely tell the difference between us."
"Morty and I could go to therapy… or we could just do some violence." Plays when fighting alongside Morty Morty Icon.png
"Let's channel some anger, Morty."
"Morty. That arm of yours terrifies me."
"Aw man, I should've worn MY little yellow shirt."

Win Quotes

List of Quotes
Audio Transcript Description
"Let's celebrate with some of that good sugary stuff." Plays when Fern wins a match.
"And that's a win for this grass boy!"
"I always knew I was a real Finn."
"What now, Grass Wizard?"
"Maybe I AM a real hero."
"Hey. Fern Style worked!"
"Huh. And I didn't even need to kill anyone."
"Maybe now the globs will forgive me."
"Well that was fun. Thanks for not killing me and stuff."
"Glad all that evil got vanquished. By me."
"That's a win for team Grass and Gem!" Plays when fighting alongside Garnet Garnet Icon.png
"Those gauntlets sure are the tops for punch-times, huh?"
"Tell Watermelon Steven I say hi."
"We sure were Stronger Than Them, huh?"
"Just like with Finn, right bro?" Plays when fighting alongside Jake the Dog Jake Icon.png
"Who wants bacon pancakes?"
"Jake and Fern, brothers forever. FOREVER."
"Jake! Did you see that? We won! Oh, Thank glob!"
"Just two amazing Finns, both doing an amazing job." Plays when fighting alongside Finn the Human Finn Icon.png
"See Finn? If anything ever happens to you... I can take over."
"Boy we sure have come a long way since I was your weird sword."
"Gee Finn, I wish we could stay friends like this forever."
"At first I thought the snake laser was weird, but you sure proved me wrong." Plays when fighting alongside Morty Morty Icon.png
"See Morty? No need to cry and be so scared."
"Morty and Fern! Dunking on fools since-! Like five minutes ago, I guess."
"That's what I call a big boy win."

Unused Quotes

List of Quotes
Audio Transcript Description
"My relationship with Finn is... confusing. I both want him to be my friend, but sometimes I also want to hit him." Would've played when interacting with Fern on the menu.
"Sometimes I have the overwhelming urge to rub my face on Reindog's tummy. Is that weird?"
"You know what a squoze is, right? It's like a hug, but just a liiiittle more... violent."
"Haha quit clickin' me. Nah I'm just kidding you can keep clicking all you want. I can't feel it."
"People keep talking about Nerfs and Buffs, but I'm more interested in Nerds and Butts, y'know?"
"Listen, we all have our weird pasts. Mine just happens to involve some magic swords and an evil Grass Wizard."
"I guess I'm from a point in the timeline before I turned totally evil and stuff? But don't ask me what that means cuz I'm just a grass boy!"
"I like Morty's friend, Armothy. Reminds me of when I was an arm. Long story."
"I think Finn's birthday is March 14th, so I've decided that's my birthday, too. For... reasons."
"Does Finn say poTAYto or pohTAHto? Just wondering in case I needed to copy him, not that I'm planning to."
"Have you ever met Harley's friend Poison Ivy? I, gosh, I just think she seems really neat."
"Do I talk about Finn too much? I don't want you to think I'm, like, obsessed or anything. Ha ha."
"[yawn] Oh, good morning." Would've played when interacting with Fern on the menu in the morning.
"Ready for a hot cup of Photosynthesis?"
"I'm feeling good about how this day is gonna go."
"There's that noonday sun like a big boy likes." Would've played when interacting with Fern on the menu in the afternoon.
"I like when the sun is high in the sky and the shadows go away. Shadows just bum me out, man."
"Whoa man. Morning's already gone, the night's coming... You got something planned for the day? It's cool if you don't, but you gotta have the self-awareness."
"I don't like the nighttime. Not enough sun. I mean, like, duh. But there it is." Would've played when interacting with Fern on the menu at night.
"Nighttime can be hard for some people. But there's no shame in that."
"Do you ever wonder late at night whether you're an eternal curse from the globs? No? Just me?"
"Be glad you can't speak plant during the holidays. Christmas trees are always talking mad junk." Would've played when interacting with Fern on the menu during Winter seasons.
"Does it snow where you live this time of year? I think snow's pretty neat even though it messes with my photosynthesis jazz."
"My favorite part of the holidays is buying people presents. Or the annual slaying of the elder snowbeast. Coin flip, really."
"Wow, it's your birthday? I've always wanted one of those." Would've played when interacting with Fern on the menu during the player's birthday.
"Maybe I'll say today is my birthday too."
"I hope you're having a really great birthday full of great birthday activities... and friends... and all that good birthday junk."
"[polite laugh]" Would've played in Fern's scrapped Taunts.
"[mocking laugh]"
"[surprised laugh]"