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The Mutators' reveal from the "Official PvE Rifts Mode Overview" trailer.

Mutators are alterations in MultiVersus that are used in the Rifts mode. They add certain effects and conditions to Nodes, both helpful and harmful.

Types of Mutators

There are three types of mutators: Players, Enemies, and Stage. Player Mutators will affect the moves or attributes of Fighters, Enemy Mutators will only affect the enemy fighters, and Stage Mutators will affect elements of the Map or overall gameplay (such as mini-games).


  • Infinite Jumps - Gives all fighters infinite jumps and air dodges.
  • Tanks! - Puts fighters into a Tank.
  • PermaChicken Gauntlets - Gives all fighters Chicken fists which apply Tasty.
  • Permafrost Gauntlets - Gives all fighters frozen fists which apply Ice.
  • Hot Potato - Attacks will apply a bomb status, which will cause an explosion after a while. This status can be passed to another fighter.
  • Behind You! - Jason's side special Mist Step will teleport him behind fighters.
  • Help is here - Toasties will fight alongside the player and their teammates.
  • Armature - Players and teammates are given large, Energy Hands that mimic the user's own hands.
  • Infinite Rage - Certain characters, such as Shaggy and Iron Giant, will achieve their "rage states" automatically and stay in them for the entire fight.
  • Game Time! - Players periodically receive a Basketball.


  • Reflect Damage - Attacks deal damage to both the enemy and attacker fighter.
  • Behind You! - Jason's side special Mist Step will teleport him behind fighters.
  • Regenerate - Opponents will heal themselves when not taking damage.
  • Shock Heal - Electric attacks will heal the enemy.
  • Undying Shield - Enemies are immune to damage when energized by Pylons.
  • AOE Attacks - Enemies shoot projectile beams when they attack.


  • Fight Tutorial - Teaches the player movement and attack mechanics.
  • Learn to Team Up - A 2v1 that teaches combat mechanics.
  • Shooting Gallery - Gives fighters control of a cannon to shoot down balloons and targets for points.
  • Target Break - Gives fighters a limited time to break targets and collect coins.
  • Treasure Chase! - Fighters are tasked with collecting treasure before time runs out.
  • Gold Zeppelin! - Spawns a large balloon that gives out treasure when hit.
  • Joker's Wild - A card matching game where fighters keep track of certain cards and attack them to turn them over after shuffling.
  • Hammer Time - A normal fight but with two large "Duece of Clubs" swinging on either side of the map, which can be briefly paused off with a button.
  • It's raining! It's 'ploding! - A normal fight that has balloons drop several harmful items, such as missiles, chattering teeth, and Joker Fish.
  • Jump Rope - A jump rope mini-game where the fighters must jump over the rope (held by Wonder Woman and Superman) as many times as needed.
  • Laughing Gas Chase - Has a large, insta-kill void move to the right, forcing fighters to keep moving to avoid it.
  • The Big Boss - A boss fight with The Joker, mixing both Target Break and Gold Zeppelin's gameplay.
  • Crystal Defense - Has fighters protect a large Crystal from ACME Sky Drones.
  • ACME Sky Drone - Drones appear during the fight, and will target the player and explode after finishing their countdown.
  • Find evidence - Clues appear on the stage to collect.
  • Mars Invades! - Marvin's Spaceship will spawn occasionally for any fighter and shoot targeted missiles.
  • Spooky Ghosts - Spawns Ghosts around the map which will become upset when fighters hit them and target them, weakening whoever they collide with in this state.
  • Leader - Only a particular Fighter must be defeated to win.
  • Stripe Spawn - Eggs placed around the map will spawn more Stripes if not destroyed.
  • Scooby Spotlight - Fighters must stay within a moving spotlight to avoid periodic attacks from eyes within the surrounding darkness.
  • Retro Horror! - A VHS filter is added to the fight.
  • Shock Floor - Two electric generators periodically create harmful electric currents between them.
  • Destroy the Pylons! - Pylons will periodically activate to protect the enemy, and they must be destroyed to deactivate them.
  • Companion Capture - Players must collect keys to unlock a cage containing a companion.
  • "Hack" the Mainframe! - Players must attack a computer until its destroyed while avoiding enemies.
  • Computer-Internals - Players and Maps are given a "Cyber" aesthetic, namely green outlines on top of a pure black color.
  • Target Run - A combination of both Target Break and Laughing Gas Chase, where the player must both run from an impending void and break targets.
  • Target Climb - An auto-scrolling version of Target Break focusing specifically on vertical ascension.
  • Lazarus Pit - A Lazarus Pit spawns under the Map, which gives Fighters double damage and grey health equal to their damage the first time it's entered and instant death the second.
  • Rocket Rain - Robotic fists fall from the sky, dealing damage on impact for all Fighters.
  • Sandwich Party - Sandwiches constantly spawn on the stage.
  • Volleyball - Starts a volleyball minigame.
  • Summer Snack - Continuously spawns Watermelon Stevens with the goal of defeating as many as possible.
  • Joker Fish - Joker Fish tied to balloons will fly up from the background and drop down in the foreground.
  • Melonhead - A boss fight with a giant Watermelon Steven.

See Also