Samurai Jack/Audio

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This is an audio sub-page related to Samurai Jack.


List of Grunts
Audio Description
Plays when Samurai Jack charges an attack.
Plays when Samurai Jack lands a fully charged attack.
Plays when Samurai Jack lands a powerful attack.
Plays when Samurai Jack lands a medium attack.
Plays when Samurai Jack lands a normal attack.
Plays when Samurai Jack performs a dodge.
Plays when Samurai Jack jumps.
Plays when Samurai Jack lands on ground after jumping.
Plays when Samurai Jack is rung out.
Plays when Samurai Jack gets hurt.


Non-Combat Quotes

List of Quotes
Audio Transcript Description
"Yes?" Plays when interacting with Samurai Jack on the menu.
"What is it?"
"I am a man out of time."
"Another day, another battle."
"My fight began a long time ago."
"My sword is ready when you need it."
"Just tell me what needs to be done."
"I fear no enemy."
"I must get back. Back to the past."
"There's no time to waste."
"Yes?" Plays when selecting Samurai Jack.
"I will do my best."
"As you wish."
"I suppose."
"I can do this."
"My sword is ready."
"That is your choice."
"I am ready."
"They call me… Jack."
"Something you need..?"
"It seems my time has come."
"I will do my best."
"I strive to not let you down."
"If combat is what is required, than I shall give it my all."
"I am like petals on the wind."
"Perhaps this fight shall bring me closer to home."

Match Start Quotes

List of Quotes
Audio Transcript Description
"Is this another one of Aku's tricks?" Plays when Samurai Jack starts a match.
"I am still very far from home."
"If this is what you wish… so be it."
"My journey has trained me for this moment."
"I do not recognize these foes."
"Another day, another strange battle."
"Strange, though not the strangest I've seen."
"I apologize for what I must do."
"It is time."
"Go on then."
"Then let us begin."
"What strange circumstances we find ourselves in."
"Another strange land full of strange foes."
"Where has the river of my life brought me now..?"
"I may prefer peace, but I am no stranger to war."
"My sword is ready."
"I sense great power in you… let's use it." Plays when fighting alongside Shaggy Shaggy Icon.png
"Why so many sandwiches..?"
"Zoinks,' indeed."
"Please do not touch my sword."
"I sense in you a kindred spirit. I lost my parents too." Plays when fighting alongside Batman Batman Icon.png
"I can tell you have undergone much training."
"A Bat Man… Fascinating."
"I look forward to watching you work."
"It is time for combat, Mr. James." Plays when fighting alongside LeBron James LeBron Icon.png
"I have heard of the Basket Ball. Let's see how you use it."
"With my blade and your... ball, we shall overcome."
"Let us.. take it to the paint."
"I do not trust robots." Plays when fighting against Iron Giant IronGiant Icon.gif
"Watch out for that robot. It could do anything."
"The robot is mine."
"Watch yourself, robot."
"The cat and mouse are in league with Aku..? Strange." Plays when fighting against Tom & Jerry TomJerry Icon.png
"Thomas. Gerald. Why are we fighting each other?"
"Their ways are chaotic, but the cat and mouse get results."
"I do not trust that mouse."
"Rick Sanchez. Still leading an empty life, I presume?" Plays when fighting against Rick Rick Icon.png
"Your science will not save you from my blade."
"Stand down before I strike you down, Sanchez."
"A scientist with no soul; only a bottomless pit of selfishness."
"Your fluffiness will not deter me. For the most part." Plays when fighting against Reindog Reindog Icon.png
"So you are the one they call Reindog."
"Finally we face each other, fluffy one."
"What power does that Gem hold..?"
"My foe reeks of death. And cheese." Plays when fighting against Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Icon.png
"I get a bad feeling about that corpse in the stripes."
"The Ghost with the Most, I presume?"
"I do not trust ghosts."

Respawn Quotes

List of Quotes
Audio Transcript Description
"Now is not the time for rest." Plays when Samurai Jack respawns after getting rung out.
"I have returned again."
"It won't be that easy for you."
"More powerful foes than you have tried."
"I would like to try that again."
"This is not the end."
"I won't give up until I get home."
"That was dark. Too dark."
"No worse than Aku's work."
"Must try harder."
"Focus, now."
"I know my target."
"I can never give up."
"One… more... try."
"You have not beaten me."
"These tricks are starting to annoy me."
"I have only begun to fight."
"I must redirect my anger."
"My sword is ready."
"Center, center..."
"Apologies, Shaggy." Plays when fighting alongside Shaggy Shaggy Icon.png
"Shaggy, do not falter."
"Perhaps I do need a sandwich."
"Lend me your power."
"I am back, Batman." Plays when fighting alongside Batman Batman Icon.png
"I knew you'd be fine."
"Time for the old techniques, Batman."
"Ours is a path of commitment, Batman."
"Apologies, Mr. James. I have returned." Plays when fighting alongside LeBron James LeBron Icon.png
"Perhaps now we should dunk on them."
"It is the time for the rebound."
"I am off the bench."
"I told you robots could not be trusted." Plays when fighting against Iron Giant IronGiant Icon.gif
"The robot stops here."
"The Iron Giant must be deactivated."
"I will pull the plug on you."
"I will not let a cat and mouse make a fool of me." Plays when fighting against Tom & Jerry TomJerry Icon.png
"That mouse is the ringleader. He must be stopped."
"Thomas Cat. Open your eyes. You're being manipulated."
"I will not be part of your endless rivalry."
"Your craven ways will not win, Sanchez." Plays when fighting against Rick Rick Icon.png
"I must watch out for his technological tricks."
"All that intelligence, wasted on a heartless man."
"I liked you better as a pickle."
"Fluffy, but dangerous." Plays when fighting against Reindog Reindog Icon.png
"That gem holds much power."
"I see why you have your standing."
"Is everyone from Zanifeer as strong as you?"
"I will not allow the dead to beat me." Plays when fighting against Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Icon.png
"I must send that ghost back to the grave."
"The corpse is a problem that must be dealt with."
"How I hate that ghost."

During Combat Quotes

List of Quotes
Audio Transcript Description
"Not this time." Plays during Samurai Jack's attacks.
"Ready to strike."
"I was never here."
"And... now."
"I am not afraid."
"I can feel the power."
"I am centered."
"I must find myself."
"This is it."
"No hesitation."
"Are you watching?"
"Quickly now!"
"No further."
"Here we go."
"I must move."
"Find your center..."
"Hold still."
"Like a tiger!"
"(low hum)"
"Like water!"
"The energy flows."
"Fleet of foot."
"Lightning speed!"
"Now I have you."
"Eyes open."
"I am gone."
"I feel your energy."
"Quiet your mind."
"Stop struggling."
"You're mine."
"I feel the flow of battle."
"It's not your time."
"This yours?"
"Never resting."
"Don't blink."
"Not a chance."
"I'm going!"
"(low hum)"
"My power is ready."
"I am a conduit."
"With haste!"
"Not fast enough."
"Defense!" Plays when fighting alongside LeBron James LeBron Icon.png
"No alleyoop for you!"
"Watch out, Gerald!" Plays when fighting against Tom & Jerry TomJerry Icon.png
"Thomas! Incoming!"
"Those two are my friends!"
"Defend the cat and mouse!"
"I am coming for you, Sanchez." Plays when fighting against Rick Rick Icon.png
"Too fast for you, old man?"
"Like the wind in your brittle hair."
"Did I catch you sleeping Sanchez?"
"My apologies, Reindog." Plays when fighting against Reindog Reindog Icon.png
"I must strike despite the fluff!"
"You were not my first choice of opponent."
"I hope we can be friends again soon."
"Dodge this!" Plays when fighting against Agent Smith Agent Smith Icon.png
"Too fast for you?"
"How's my framerate?"
"Try and keep up, computer man."
"Eugh, you feel disgusting." Plays when fighting against Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Icon.png
"Back in the grave!"
"Hold still, ghoul."
"What is that SMELL?"


List of Quotes
Audio Transcript Description
"I dance and think of home." Plays when Samurai Jack emotes Samurai Shuffle.
"A friend taught me this one."
"I do enjoy a dance."

Win Quotes

List of Quotes
Audio Transcript Description
"I knew we would win." Plays when Samurai Jack wins a match.
"A clean victory."
"A match to be proud of."
"You performed well."
"Perhaps you will win next time."
"My journey does not end."
"I still have a ways to go."
"I am not ashamed of that."
"And now I may rest."
"Might I propose some tea to celebrate..?"
"You fall like leaves from the vine."
"A brave solider returns home."
"I have done what I must."
"After all that excitement, I believe a cup of tea is in order."
"What a strange, silly place."
"This truly is a mad world."
"You fought well. We should do that again sometime."
"Truly a fine battle."
"I would gladly do combat with you again in the future."
"I hope you will remember this battle as fondly as I will."
"You see Shaggy? I knew we would win." Plays when fighting alongside Shaggy Shaggy Icon.png
"Yes, I suppose a victory feast would do nicely."
"You are far more powerful than you look, my friend."
"No mystery in that victory. Hm."
"You use the darkness well, Batman." Plays when fighting alongside Batman Batman Icon.png
"We have done our teachers proud."
"An honor to fight beside you, Batman."
"Your discipline is inspiring."
"Back to the stars, robot." Plays when fighting against Iron Giant IronGiant Icon.gif
"You fought well, my mechanized opponent."
"I do not care for robots, but perhaps we could be friends someday."
"I am sorry to shut you down."
"A feline, a samurai, and a rodent walk into a tea house..." Plays when fighting against Tom & Jerry TomJerry Icon.png
"Now perhaps you can work out your OWN differences?"
"I see now why they call you frenemies."
"How long have you two been fighting?"
"Now will you go home, Sanchez?" Plays when fighting against Rick Rick Icon.png
"The world now sees you for what you are: A broken soul."
"All the clones, all the science, and you're still not happy."
"When will you learn that your greatest enemy lives within your mirror?"
"Good boy!" Plays when fighting against Reindog Reindog Icon.png
"I believe you've earned that scratch behind your ears."
"A most fearsome fluffy fighter."
"You've done Zanifeer proud."
"Your thirst for mortality has left you empty and hollow." Plays when fighting against Agent Smith Agent Smith Icon.png
"Living forever with only yourself for company will drive you mad."
"I do not understand Artificial Intelligence, but what I see makes me sad."
"You had no hope, computer."
"Back to the afterlife, ghoul." Plays when fighting against Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Icon.png
"I see no ghost with the most. Just a sad spirit in denial."
"Your immortality only serves to highlight your soul's fragility."
"The ghost with the most.. he treasures nothing at all. He is forgotten!"

Unused Quotes

List of Quotes
Audio Transcript Description
"I would kill for a cup of tea right now." Would've played when interacting with Samurai Jack on the menu.
"Are we in the past? Future? I do not even know anymore."
"I suspect Aku has something to do with this."
"I wonder if I shall see any friends from my journey here."
"I apologize. I am not much of a conversationalist."
"I have been doing this much, much longer than you might think."
"Aku's forces could lurk anywhere."
"Some days I wonder if this is all just a dream."
"This war… it's never-ending."
"It's never dull, is it?"
"I was a prince once. That feels like a lifetime ago."
"I do not ask for much. Simply to return to my own time."
"I suppose that there is another battle to fight?"
"You have been doing well."
"The young boy, Finn, told me that this is called a 'crossover.'"
"Have you met the Bat Man? He is a truly striking individual."
"I'm sure that Iron Giant means well… but I don't trust robots."
"I like you. I've decided."
"You may lead me into battle anytime."
"The Nothing and Aku… do you think they are connected?"
"good morning." Would've played when interacting with Samurai Jack on the menu in the Morning.
"I appreciate someone who gets an early start."
"I always did love mornings. Perfect time for a cup of tea."
"Good Afternoon." Would've played when interacting with Samurai Jack on the menu in the afternoon.
"The day is young. Let's get going."
"Don't forget to take a moment for yourself in the middle of the day."
"Good Evening." Would've played when interacting with Samurai Jack on the menu at night.
"Nighttime is here. Watch the shadows."
"I have not slept well in many years. Bad dreams, you know."
"The winter is long, but full of reasons to celebrate." Would've played when interacting with Samurai Jack on the menu during Winter seasons.
"This is a holiday season where you come from, yes? Happy holidays."
"I love winter holidays. Hot baths, good food… someday I'll be home to celebrate them again."
"Happy birthday." Would've played when interacting with Samurai Jack on the menu during the player's birthday.
"You have made it another year. That is a reason to celebrate."
"When I was a boy, we had grand birthday celebrations at my palace. I can hardly remember them now."
"If Aku could see me now." Would've played in Samurai Jack's Taunts.
"Watch carefully."
"This is how a warrior does it."
"I am just a humble man looking for a way home."
"Don't push me."
"What are you waiting for?"
"Are you looking for an invitation?"
"You think you are the most powerful foe I have faced?"
"The days get stranger and the nights get longer."
"Test me if you dare."
"[Polite chuckle]"
"[Sharp taunting laugh]"
"[Belly laugh]"
"If it stops Aku, I will do what I must."
"This may be my strangest detour yet."
"May the universe bring me where I'm needed."
"Do not judge my stillness as idleness."
"In a mad world, only the mad are sane."
"You must live honestly, and develop your abilities to the full."
"Do not avert your eyes from what must be done."
"This world has been taken by madness and we must hold on."
"If you truly desire combat, my blade is ready."
"My soul is prepared, how's yours?"
"Restrain your sandwich. My blade is not a toothpick." Would've played in Samurai Jack's taunts when fighting alongside Shaggy Shaggy Icon.png
"I could teach you a more… refined technique."
"I prefer tea to 'Scooby Snacks', thank you."
"[sniff sniff] Does someone smell like dog..?"
"I would like to try these 'gadgets' of yours." Would've played in Samurai Jack's taunts when fighting alongside Batman Batman Icon.png
"You have a lot of darkness in you, my friend."
"But what does money buy you?"
"I have something of a tragic backstory myself."
"The age of robots is done." Would've played in Samurai Jack's taunts when fighting against Iron Giant IronGiant Icon.gif
"What a foul mechanized beast."
"A heartless, soulless, machine."
"Your gears shall grind to a halt."
"The eternal chase of cat and mouse continues." Would've played in Samurai Jack's taunts when fighting against Tom & Jerry TomJerry Icon.png
"How do you hope to win with your alliance in shambles?"
"Manipulating that cat is unseemly for a noble mouse."
"I think you require time apart."
"Your intellect is your armour, and your ego... is the gap between the plates!" Would've played in Samurai Jack's taunts when fighting against Rick Rick Icon.png
"Don't you wish to rest your old bones?"
"Sanchez... Aren't you tired?"
"You could go home, Rick. Why do you persist?"
"What secrets are you hiding, Reindog?" Would've played in Samurai Jack's taunts when fighting against Reindog Reindog Icon.png
"Stop fighting and give me answers."
"I don't care how fluffy you are - I must not let you win."
"We should not be enemies, but I shall not surrender."
"It is time to send you back to the afterlife." Would've played in Samurai Jack's taunts when fighting against Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Icon.png
"You are an abomination that must be set right."
"Corpses should not walk the earth."
"It is time to fix the balance of life and death."