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Rifts is a "player vs. environment"-based game mode in MultiVersus released alongside the Full Launch. The mode is available for both solo and co-op play.[1]


Rifts Mode challenges the player to complete a set of campaigns, called "Rifts", made up of Nodes. Each Node is a separate challenge, such as a battle or a mini-game. Each node comes with a range of Mutators which change the combat scenario in different ways. Gems are awarded for every Node beaten by the player(s).

Each Node of each rift has 5 different tasks to complete. If enough of these tasks have been completed, the player may receive a Rift Cauldron, which rewards the player with a significant amount of Gem XP.

Each Rift can be done in five difficulties:

  • Easy
  • Experienced (Only available on early season rifts)
  • Crushing (Requires Gem Level 4 and the prior difficulty completed)
  • Insanity (Requires Gem Level 7 and the prior difficulty completed) (Only available on mid or end-season rifts)
  • Looney (Requires Gem Level 9 and the prior difficulty completed) (Unlocks on July 10th)

Each difficulty counts its tasks separately and rewards their own Rift Cauldrons.

Some Nodes are locked behind certain requirements, such as needing a specific Fighter or type of Variant

Types of Rifts

Tutorial Rift

The Tutorial Rift is a special rift that teaches the player basic systems and mechanics of the game when the first play the mode. After completing it, the player can then access the Seasonal Rifts.

Special Rifts

To be announced...

Seasonal Rifts

To be announced...

Types of Nodes

  • Learn - A tutorial node used to teach mechanics.
  • Battle - A normal battle, in the form of a 1v1, 2v1, 1v2, or 2v2.
  • Bonus Node - A node mini-game with special Mutators.
  • Boss Fight - A unique battle against a boss, usually saved for the end of a Rift.

List of Rifts

Season 1



MultiVersus - Official PvE Rifts Mode Overview
