Advanced Tutorials/Fast Fall

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UncleShagworthyIcon.png"Like, this item didn't really meet my expectations... so I traded it for a new fridge!" - Uncle Shagworthy
This article refers to content that is either unused and/or was removed from the game.

Fast Fall was a course from the Advanced Tutorials game mode in MultiVersus.


Fast Falling

Fast Falling allows you to fall downwards quickly. You can use it top play aggressively or avoid attacks.

Fast Fall by pressing downward while you're in the air. You can release down to stop Fast Falling. This gives you a lot of control over your descent.


  • Fast Fall by holding down while in the air. (3 Times)

Fast Fall Jumping

If you Jump after Fast Falling, the Jump will go a little higher, farther, and faster.


  • Fast Fall Jump. (3 Times)

Fast Fall Platforms

Fast Falling also allows you to pass through platforms without stopping.


  • Fast Fall through the platform. (2 Times)