Advanced Tutorials/Attack Decay

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BlackLanternIcon.png"Advanced Tutorials/Attack Decay has fallen at the black hands of Nekron!" - Black Lantern Superman
This article refers to content that is either unused and/or was removed from the game.

Attack Decay is a course from the Advanced Tutorials game mode in MultiVersus.


Attack Decay

When an attack is used to often in succession, it gains Attack Decay, reducing its Hitstun and Damage. Enemies hit by decayed attacks can recover more easily, so it's best to use a variety of moves.

An attack begins to suffer decay if it has hit 4 or more times in your last 7 hits. Beyond that, hitting with the same attack will make the effects of Attack Decay even worse.


  • Hit Wonder Woman with the same attack 7 times in a row to reach max Attack Decay. Notice your opponent's shortened Hitstun reaction.

Next, let's try to avoid decay by hitting with a variety of attacks. When an attack is decayed, hitting with different moves will reduce the decay.


  • Hit Wonder Woman with 10 undecayed attacks. (10 Times)