Animaniacs is a variety show, with short skits featuring a large cast of characters, focusing mainly on the iconic Warner brothers, Yakko and Wakko, and their little sister, Dot. While the show had no set format, the majority of episodes were composed of three short mini-episodes, each starring a different set of characters, and bridging segments. Hallmarks of the series included its music, satirical social commentary, pop culture references, character catchphrases, and innuendo directed at an adult audience. A revival of the series was announced in January 2018 and ran for a total of 3 seasons from February 20th, 2020, all the way until February 17th, 2023. The original series is considered by many to be the sister show of Tiny Toons Adventures, a spin-off cartoon series based on the Looney Tunes franchise.
Other notable side characters that have appeared throughout the series in their own segments include the retired cartoon star Slappy Squirrel, the cat-and-dog duo of Rita and Runt, and the evil duo of genetically-spliced lab mice who want to take over the world: Pinky and the Brain.
The iconic Warner Bros. Water Tower's depiction from this show appears on The CourtMap as a background element, referencing its cameo in Space Jam: A New Legacy, although its design has been altered in-game due to unknown reasons.