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Reindog's species

I'm trying to get official confirmation, but Reindog's species visually looks far more like a traditional Chinese dragon mixed with a canine than a reindeer/caribou. Until an official statement is cited that specifically mentions a reindeer reference, we should keep the species along the lines of Dragon-Dog Hybrid or Chinese Dragon-Dog Hybrid since visually that's what makes the most sense. Reindeer aren't known for being green or having long whiskers, but Chinese dragons come in a variety of colors, very often have long whiskers, and very often have antlers.

Chinese Dragon Example:

First of all, please always start your discussion on a Talk page with a Subject. Also, sign your comment. Second of all, I added the Chinese Dragon similarities on the Trivia page, since there are some similarities to them that are neither dog nor reindeer (weird head shape, whiskers). With that said, Reindog's name is still a portmanteau on the words reindeer and dog, and most details on Reindog can be attributed to one of these two species.

Also, the color argument makes no sense...? Like, cats and rabbits aren't known to be blue and pink either, but that didn't stop Gumball and his family. It's just an aesthetic change, he looks more pleasant like that. PLUS, green symbolizes nature, you know. When you think of green, you think of something like a forest, and guess where Reindeers can be found...

Example of reindeer in a forest:

Also, he already has a Dragon Variant. Nuff said.

PS: Also forgot to say, but a lot of other Fighters refer to Reindog as a "Reindeer... Dog... Thingy" in their interactions with him, so, yeah, it's pretty much confirmed. IyzMoe (talk) 08:08, 5 August 2022 (UTC)IyzMoe