Triple Threat/Transcript

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A transcript of all the conversations before and after the Nodes in the Triple Threat Rift.

Node #1


Agent Smith: You could have left well enough alone, but you just had to come into this Rift. Agent Smith: And now, you shall pay the consequences. Velma: Ha, it's not like we haven't beaten Stripe before. Agent Smith: Perhaps not... but I'm not sure you've ever faced a Stripe like THIS before. Gizmo: Oh no!!!


Velma: Looks like Smith has created a Rift remixing all the bad guys we've fought up until now! The Iron Giant: "RE...MIX?" Velma: But don't worry. The bass isn't the only thing we'll drop on HIM.

Node #2


Shaggy; Hey, like, does anyone else smell watermelon? Jake: Whoa dude. You said it AS I SMELLED IT. What is that..? Taz: GAHH!! TAZ SEE BIG MELON! BIG MELON!!!

Node #3


Marvin: What are you moronic Meeseeks doing?! Marvin: We're supposed to be CONQUERING THE MULTIVERSE, not playing silly Earthling game-sports!!


Batman: Marvin... We've talked about this. Marvin: Yes, yes, I know... I just heard about a villain team-up and couldn't help myself.

Node #4


Arya: Cat. Mouse. Don't you remember what happened the last time you were fishing? MEGALO-DOG: !!! Tom & Jerry: !!!! Arya: (sign) Yes. That.

Node #5


Steven: Hey Finn? Is your treehouse SUPPOSED to have a giant Jason lurking on it? Finn: Noooo..? At least not that I remember. Steven Universe: We, uh, might want to tell HIM that then. Jason: !!!!


Finn: Dang, dude! The bad guys are working together? I skronking hate that! Steven Universe: Trust me, villain team-ups NEVER last for long. We can still beat them!

Node #6


Velma: Huh. Looks like Jason cooked up a little something extra back here... The Narrator: Enter, if you dare, AND BREAK THE TARGETS!


The Narrator: And with his targets broken, Jason retreated into the dimensional mists- The Narrator: -at least until the next spooky crossover opportunity. Oooo. Velma: Yeah. That sounds about right.

Node #7


Agent Smith: I see Jason failed to stop you. Agent Smith: I suppose that's why you never send a hockey mask wearing gorilla to do an Agent's job. Banana Guard: I mean that's just a good rule for life. Agent Smith: Although I *do* have some interesting new "teammates" to test out....


Agent Smith: I grow tired of this - I'm taking control of the story again. Banana Guard: Wait! Wait come baaaack! Banana Guard: ...I sure hope I don't regret not being able to stop him from leaving...

Node #8


Agent Smith: With the aid of the Bat Man's computer, perhaps I can create a new plan.... Batman: And just where do you think you're going? Agent Smith: Speak of the pointy-eared devil...

Node #9a


Agent Smith: And now to destroy the detestable tree house of that infernal Finn the Human. Finn: No way dude, not lettin' ya!

Node #10


Agent Smith: This Velma thinks she is so superior, but still... only human. Agent Smith: It is time to punish her for her insolence.


Agent Smith: Defeated and humiliated on their own territory, and still their opposition stands. Agent Smith: Then I shall have to draw upon every weapon at my disposal.

Node #8b


Boy Genius: Ahhh, so HERE is the simulation piggybacking off of my lab-or-atory's beautiful computer network. Boy Genius: I believe it is time for the ROBO-DEXO 2000 and I to pull your plug! Marvin: If he does that, there's no telling what will happen to US. Bugs Bunny: Then we gotta pull HIS plug first! Black Adam: And we shall see how his metal shell holds up to REAL electricity....


Boy Genius: You cannot hide from me foreverrrrrrrrrrr- Bugs Bunny: So that's hockey mask, sunglasses, and robo-boy all down. That just leaves... The Joker: Saving the best for last, hmmmmmmm?

Node #11


The Joker: Isn't this a lovely little bookend - One last tussle between you and me to close out the season. The Joker: Who knew that a Gremlin stealing one little gem could cause such a spectacular and GLORIOUS mess! Batman: We may not be able to fix this, but we're certainly stopping you from causing more chaos. The Joker: Bats? I can't WAIT to see it.


The Joker: Ohh Bats. Did you think you could solve everything by defeating me? The Joker: That's just CLASSIC "you." The Joker: Wait'll you get a load of what we've cooked up for dessert! The Joker: BWAAHAHAHHAHA!

Node #12


Agent Smith: You and your "teamwork" keep making fools of us... The Joker: ...So we decided to put aside our differences and work-- Jason: ... The Joker: --"Together" was your line, you hockey mask-wearing oaf. Sheesh. Agent Smith: Enough of your prattling, clown. It is time for us to end this.


Agent Smith: You may have defeated us... but this is only just beginning. Agent Smith: A storm has been unleashed in this Multiverse. Something none of us can escape. The Joker: What computer-boy said. You can't just squeeze that toothpaste back into the tube. The Joker: Best to just embrace the mayhem before the whole house of cards comes a-tumblin' down. The Joker: What about you, Jason? Any monologues or threatening promises to close out the season? Jason: .... The Joker: Poetic as ever, Jasey-boy. Heh heh. Agent Smith: ...You're both idiots....