Multiversal Mayhem!/Transcript

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A transcript of all the conversations before and after the Nodes in the Multiversal Mayhem! Rift.

Node #1


Batman: Stand down, Joker. You have no power here. Harley Quinn: Yeah! Batman: (Harley I told you I don't need help here...) The Joker: "No power," Bat-Brain?! On the contrary, with this gem I can do ANYTHING I WANT. Batman: So YOU'RE the one who stole Reindog's gem! The Joker: Hahaha, oh I'm afraid this joke is a bit more complicated than THAT!

Node #2


Joker Fan Bugs: I wouldn't mess with the Joker if I was you, doc! Joker Fan Bugs: He's as zany as they come!


Batman: This dimension is practically falling apart at the seams.

Node #3a


Marvin: This realm of chaos is nothing compare to my MARTIAN ANTI-GRAVITOMETER 3000! Harley Quinn: Eh. At least he's not wearin' Joker merch!

Node #3b


Harley Quinn: Oh come on, you look way too smart to be a fan of that creep. Joker Fan Garnet: I did not think I was, but then something came over me.

Node #4


Harley Quinn: Uhhh, not to alarm you, Bats, but I think SOMEONE filled your cave with explosive balloons. Harley Quinn: I'm no expert, but you might wanna get that checked out.

Node #5


The Joker: You like murderous teens, right Bats? The Joker: How about you and your friends give this one a shot!

Node #6a


Harley Quinn: Ah crap. It's me from a timeline that never broke up with that creep. Mad Love Harley Quinn: I better not hear ya talkin' trash about my Mista J. Harley Quinn: Ohhh this is gonna be therapeutic.

Node #6b


Finn: Whoa man. You can't just bust into someone's treehouse uninvited. It wrecks the vibes! Jake: Yeah dude! And that's a crime punishable by FIGHTS!

Node #7


LeBron: Remind me why we're helping out this clown jerk? Bugs Bunny: I don't like it any more than you do, doc, but he's the team's big sponsor this season!

Node #8


The Joker: What would a dimensional funhouse of madness be without a few MINI-GAMES? The Joker: You'll be competing for the greatest prize of all: NOT DYING. Hehhheheh.

Node #9


The Joker: You and this little hate-goblin know each other, don't you? The Joker: But did you know he's the one who manifested little ol' me here in the first place?! Stripe: (incomprehensible violent gibberish)

Node #10


Harley Quinn: Huh. A friggin' blimp full of friggin' treasure. Guess we should try SMACKIN' it a bunch.

Node #11


The Joker: Well you're a lively competitor, I'll give you that much.

Node #12


The Joker: Figured out that Stripe is who stole your fluffy mascot's little bauble, hmmm? The Joker: Let's see if you got the smarts to figure THIS ONE out!


The Joker: Whaddya know, you're smarter'n you look. The Joker: Let's see if those brains do anything against this web of wicked little treats, heheheh.

Node #13a


Banana Guard: I hear that you're the one who stole Reindog's gem! Stripe: STRIPE EAT BANANA! Banana Guard: AHHHH--!

Node #14a


Mad Love Harley Quinn: Unless yer here fer a Joker Fan Club application, I'd suggest ya keep walkin'. Banana Guard: On the contrary, I am here to put a STOP to the Joker's VILLAINOUS SCHEMES! Mad Love Harley Quinn: Oooh, wrong answer, Banana-Breath. Now I gotta turn ya into PUDDING.

Node #15a


Banana Guard: Hey, some kind of mysterious hall of mirrors! I bet this will be fun and NOT DANGEROUS!

Node #13b


Batman: I can't believe the Joker would stoop so low as to recruit TEENAGERS.

Node #13c


Batman: Look out, it's Evil Gizmo!

Node #13d

Batman: Hand over the gem, Joker. The Joker: Ohhh don't tell me you want the ride to end already, Batsy! The Joker: Not when we're just getting warmed up!

Node #14d


Joker Fan Bugs: Third time's the charm, doc. And this time I brought a bit of flea-bitten backup!

Node #16


The Joker: Starting to think I might have to pull out the big guns here... The Joker: IT'S JUMP ROPE TIME.

Node #17


The Joker: Now this is the kind of crossover that'll really get people talkin'!

Node #18


Joker: You are persistent, but you still need to get to me if you want to play!

Node #19


Batman: Alright Joker, you're cornered. Just hand it over and put a stop to this. The Joker: You're so cute when you think you're in control, Pointy Ears. The Joker: But you can't just put the Jack back in his Box!


Batman: We're done. Hand over the Gem you used to make this insane rift. The Joker: That's the best joke of all, Bats - I don't have it! That little gremlin Stripe stole it BACK! The Joker: And when I get my hands on him, I'll make him into a pair of GLOVES. Velma: Velma Dinkley, on the case!