Age of Smith/Transcript

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A transcript of all the conversations before and after the Nodes in the Age of Smith Rift.

Node #1


Agent Smith: If you think these allies will help you, you are even loonier than I had presumed, rabbit. Bugs Bunny: You bet yer bitmaps I am, doc! We're takin' you all the way down, and grabbing that gem while we're at it! Agent Smith: Unfortunately for you, with this Gem I am the master of this 'Rift' and can shape it as I see fit. Agent Smith: Let us see how you fare against some... familiar faces.

Node #2


The Joker: Come now, rabbit. That's no way to deal with an unruly computer. The Joker: You need to tear off his sunglasses and stuff them up his disk drive. Hehehhheh. Agent Smith: I find your technical support skills... Lacking. Agent Smith: Uploading new defense programs NOW.

Node #3


Agent Smith: If you think the sole source of my power is in my copies, then you are sorely mistaken. Agent Smith: They are merely pawns to keep nothings like you distracted.


Agent Smith: Not bad. But I can sense your temptation. To become part of something greater. Agent Smith: To join me as one of my - what did the rabbit call them-? Agent Smith: "Code copies?" Agent Smith: If you have the key, the door is waiting. I won't tell.

Node #4a


Finn: Dang, I can't even tell the difference between these new code copies and the real-deals! Finn: That Gizmo is just as skronking cute as the original, and he's got some jacked-up Agent help!!

Node #5a


Superman: Looks like Smith has programmed himself one heck of a defensive line... Superman: Just remember that "LeBron" here is nothing more than a computerized fake.

Node #6a


Banana Guard: I don't want to alarm you, but that "Taz" is looking quite hungry. Banana Guard: And it seems there might be some... strange weather brewing. Just FYI.

Node #4b


Agent Smith: Ready to take the plunge? Agent Smith: Then let us begin by teaching the Kryptonian Boy Scout that MY way is the future. Agent Smith: I have brought a little assistance in case the lesson is unclear.

Node #5b


Wonder Woman: I don't know why you've chosen to take the Agent's side, but I will not stand idly by. Wonder Woman: I simply hope that when we're done you'll have come to your senses!

Node #6b


Batman: Smith's code is corrupting you. You have to stop. Batman: If you don't... You'll leave me no choice.

Node #7


Agent Smith: You inferior organics think you're so clever with your little tricks and gambits. Batman: You know you're losing, Smith. Just give up now. Agent Smith: On the contrary, I have barely scratched the surface of this Gem's capabilities. Agent Smith: Time to see what else I can dream up...

Node #8


Agent Smith: If you'll excuse me I have more duplication that requires my undivided attention. Agent Smith: Let us see how you fare against a more... intellectual pursuit. Banana Guard: Hey wait. Get back here. Ah dang.


Garnet: Apologies for the delay in my arrival. Finn: More like you're right on time! We gotta get after that freakin' Agent creep! Finn: BG? Uhh, you head that way. Over there. On the other path. Banana Guard: Righto.

Node #9a


Agent Smith: Unfortunately for you, Mr. Mertens, this part of the story is from MY perspective. Finn: Ahhh crud.

Node #10a


Garnet: Stop right there, Smith. You are not the hero of this story. Agent Smith: Funny, from where I'm standing I have never felt more like the protagonist.

Node #9b


Gizmo: Chicken hands? CHICKEN HANDS? Banana Guard: Yeah wow I was hung up on him looking just like me but those are weird too, huh?


Banana Guard: These must be those Glitches in the Matrix that you're always hearing about. Banana Guard: Yeah, totally. A real deja vu situation. Banana Guard: Wait. Am I talking? Or are you? Banana Guard: Probably best not to think about it. Glitches, man.

Node #10b


Bugs Bunny: Now you ain't the real Shaggy, right? Code Copy Shaggy: 01111010 01101111 01101001 01101110 01101011 01110011 Bugs Bunny: Yep! Takin' that as permission to pummel!

Node #9c


Bugs Bunny: On the slim-to-nothin' chance you're the real Black Adam in the middle of this drone storm... Bugs Bunny: This ain't personal, doc. It's just computer business.

Node #10c


Superman: I don't believe that a computer can ever actually replicate someone's soul. Superman: But this one is certainly doing a good job of replicating my heat vision! Stay on your toes.

Node #11


Finn: That cybernetic son of a blee blob went this way! Finn: We gotta get through this so we can catch up to him and snag that stone!

Node #12


Bugs Bunny: Alright you computerized creep, hand over the Gem and step away from the Rift! Agent Smith: As adorable as it has been to watch your pathetic efforts unfold... Agent Smith. I am afraid this is where your story ends. Defeating me is impossible. Finn: No way, we don't even know the meaning of some of those words!


Garnet: I believe that is what they call... a system crash. Agent Smith: After all these copies, did you really think you were fighting the real Smith? Finn: No way! Another flippin' fake?! Then where's the real-deal? Narrator: Where indeed..? What terrors await our heroes when they catch up to Agent Smith once more..? Bugs Bunny: Eugh. Wherever that disembodied voice shows up, trouble ain't far behind....