Mojo Jojo/Audio

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This is an audio sub-page related to Mojo Jojo.


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Match Start Quotes

List of Quotes
Audio Transcript Description
"[Evil Laugh]" Plays when Mojo Jojo arrives on Townsville.
"Yes! It is I, Mojo Jojo! And Mojo Jojo is the one that is me!"
"Tremble, Townsville! For Mojo Jojo has arrived, and Mojo Jojo shall be your doom!"
"All the Multiverse shall fall beneath the heel of I… Mojo Jojo!"
"I, Mojo Jojo, will conquer not just the world, but all the worlds! Prepare yourselves for conquering!"
"When I am finished, they shall rename this game MOJOVERSUS."
"I, Mojo Jojo, confess that I enjoy a good crossover episode... when done RESPECTFULLY."
"It seems that Legal has finally cleared the Joker's visit to Townsville. [laugh] Finally." Plays when fighting alongside The Joker Joker Icon.png
"At last! A diabolical mind worthy of working with me… Mojo Jojo!"
"If you've come for a team-up, I, Mojo Jojo, regret to inform you that Mojo Jojo does not work with clowns!" Plays when fighting against The Joker Joker Icon.png
"[Chuckles] It seems that the circus has left one of its clowns at the feet of me, Mojo Jojo!"
"Oooh, a smarty pants little girl. Do you think you are smarter than Mojo Jojo, who is me?!" Plays when fighting against Velma Velma Icon.png
"The only mystery you will be solving is the mystery of why you lost to… Mojo Jojo!"
"[sarcastic] Oh no look out, she has SASS. Sass does not frighten the mighty ego of MOJO JOJO."
"Your cartoons were dated even when I, Mojo Jojo, was on the air and DOMINATING THE AIRWAVES."
"I, Mojo Jojo, do not fear a bat! But a bat will soon fear the might of… Mojo Jojo!" Plays when fighting against Batman Batman Icon.png
"You should have stayed in Gotham and left Townsville to me… Mojo Jojo!"
"Let us see which is stronger - The Batted Man's little toys, or the genius inventions of MOJO JOJO."
"I, Mojo Jojo, have heard such impressive things about Batman, but do you have a saucer? Mojo Jojo does!"
"The only wondering you will be doing is wondering at the might of MOJO JOJO." Plays when fighting against Wonder Woman WonderWoman Icon.png
"Your antique gladiatorial weapons do not frighten the mighty science of MOJO JOJO."
"No lasso of truth can contain the pervasive truth that is MOJO JOJO the truthiest truth of all."
"Let us see if your little shield can defend against the destructive power of MOJO JOJO."
"Of everyone the Multiverse could send, they send Shaggy? I, Mojo Jojo, am almost insulted!" Plays when fighting against Shaggy Shaggy Icon.png
"The only sandwiches you will be eating will be sandwiches of shame and loss eaten through a straw!"
"There are not enough Scooby Snacks in the world to prepare you to face me, MOJO JOJO."
"I hope you have already bidden your little dog farewell!"
[[File:|180x180px]] "It seems that even in the Multiverse, I, Mojo Jojo, cannot escape little girl superheroes!" Plays when fighting against The Powerpuff Girls PPGIcon.png
[[File:|180x180px]] "Let us settle this once and for all, Powerpuff Girls!"
[[File:|180x180px]] "You Powerpuff Girls will not defeat Mojo Jojo, for I, Mojo Jojo will be doing the defeating!"
[[File:|180x180px]] "I hope you do not hope to win, Powerpuff Girls, because the winner shall be MOJO JOJO."
[[File:|180x180px]] "Now ATTACK, my Rowdyruff Boys! Make Daddy proud!" Plays when The Rowdyruff Boys are around RRBIcon.png
[[File:|180x180px]] "Now remember, you're Daddy's special boys. ATTACK!"
[[File:|180x180px]] "I, Mojo Jojo, should have KNOWN you boys would turn on your father!" Plays when fighting against The Rowdyruff Boys RRBIcon.png
[[File:|180x180px]] "It seems the Rowdyruff Boys need to be reminded who is in charge. The answer is me, MOJO JOJO!"

Lost Control Quotes

List of Quotes
Audio Transcript Description
"Curses! So many flashing lights!" Plays when Mojo Jojo loses control of his saucer after being damaged enough.
"Why did I, Mojo Jojo, not label any of these buttons?!"
"Curses curses curses!"
"Oh no. I, Mojo Jojo, am going to be sick!"
"This is horribly disorienting!"
"You cannot see but I, Mojo Jojo, am VERY UPSET right now!"
"That horrible clown will pay for embarassing me, Mojo Jojo!" Plays when fighting against The Joker Joker Icon.png
"There is room for only one supervillain in Townsville, and that villain is me! MOJO JOJO."
"I, Mojo Jojo, have now decided that the Joker is an enemy of Mojo Jojo, who is me, who hates the Joker!"
"No clown will defeat the mighty brain of me, MOJO JOJO."
"[to self] She is just one mystery-solving girl! How could she do this to me, Mojo Jojo?!" Plays when fighting against Velma Velma Icon.png
"The Mojo Saucer will not be defeated by an amateur detective!"
"After I regain control of the Mojo Saucer you will only be looking for clues in your hospital room!"
"Curse you, meddling kid!"
"Curse you Batman! When I, Mojo Jojo, regain control I will make you regret damaging my saucer!" Plays when fighting against Batman Batman Icon.png
"Curses! Do you see me, Mojo Jojo, going to Gotham and damaging YOUR gadgets?"
"You are just a man who dresses as a bat! How could you do this to the saucer of Mojo Jojo?!"
"You will pay for the damage you've done to my saucer! My sources tell me you are good for it!"
[[File:|180x180px]] "Curses! Another Powerpuff predicament!" Plays when fighting against The Powerpuff Girls PPGIcon.png
[[File:|180x180px]] "How do they always DO THIS?!"
[[File:|180x180px]] "You girls just wait until Mojo regains control!"
[[File:|180x180px]] "My beautiful saucer, what did those horrible little girls do to you?!"
[[File:|180x180px]] "Curse you, Powerpuff Girls!"
[[File:|180x180px]] "You silly little girls! So many years we have been doing this!"
[[File:|180x180px]] "Now, you Powerpuffs will face the true wrath of me, MOJO JOJO."
[[File:|180x180px]] "I, Mojo Jojo, am through being disrespected by the Powerpuff Girls!"
[[File:|180x180px]] "Daddy told you, only fight heroes!" Plays when fighting against The Rowdyruff Boys RRBIcon.png
[[File:|180x180px]] "Oh, never should have made those boys..."
[[File:|180x180px]] "Why did I make those boys so strong?!"
[[File:|180x180px]] "And they haven't even hit puberty yet!"
[[File:|180x180px]] "Curses! I should never have created you naughty little boys!"
[[File:|180x180px]] "Boys, it is RUDE to interrupt your father!"
[[File:|180x180px]] "Curses! You boys are embarrassing me!"
[[File:|180x180px]] "Snips, snails, puppy dog tails, WHAT was I thinking?!"
[[File:|180x180px]] "Curse you boys! Do you know how much work it takes Daddy to maintain this saucer?!"
[[File:|180x180px]] "Come now, boys! Save Papa Mojo!" Plays when The Rowdyruff Boys are around RRBIcon.png

Respawn Quotes

List of Quotes
Audio Transcript Description
"Augh, this is only a minor setback to the greatness that is MOJO JOJO." Plays when Mojo Jojo respawns and regains control of his saucer.
"I, Mojo Jojo, cannot be stopped by mere vehicular sabotage!"
"What-? No matter. I, Mojo Jojo, will still emerge victorious!"
"You will pay for that! Both metaphorically, and the saucer repair bill."
"[under breath] Stupid…saucer… You are embarassing Mojo Jojo!"
"[Enraged monkey sounds]"
"Now you have unleashed the full wrath of MOJO JOJO who is ME and full of wrathful fullness!"
"You have just mail-ordered your doom with postage paid by… MOJO JOJO."
"Now all of Townsville - No, the MULTIVERSE - shall SUFFER."
"CURSES. Mojo Jojo will not take such disrespect to Mojo Jojo lying down!"
"Joker! I, Mojo Jojo, require your assistance!" Plays when fighting alongside The Joker Joker Icon.png
"Did you see that, Joker! The disrespect dealt to your mighty ally, MOJO JOJO?"
"After all the IP negotiation to get us in one place, this is how you treat me?!" Plays when fighting against The Joker Joker Icon.png
"I, Mojo Jojo, am removing you from my villainous holiday card list!"
"You should never have left your stinky little van to face me, Mojo Jojo!" Plays when fighting against Velma Velma Icon.png
"Curses! You shall pay for what you've done, mystery solver!"
"I, Mojo Jojo, would have gotten away with it... and will STILL get away with it!"
"I grow tired of the mystery solving girl! NOW PERISH."

Combat Quotes

List of Quotes
Audio Transcript Description
"Charging LASER." Plays when Mojo Jojo charges a laser.
"I, Mojo Jojo, am cooking up a special LASER TASTING treat."
"This laser being fired by Mojo Jojo will destroy you, the enemies of ME, Mojo Jojo!"
"Preparing laser attack!"
"Saucer? Prepare the destructo ray."
"I, bet you don't have anything like this back in Gotham." Plays when fighting against The Joker Joker Icon.png
"Impressed, Joker? I, Mojo Jojo, created it myself."
"Where's your laser, Joker? Oh right, you do not have one!"
"MOJO LASER!" Plays when Mojo Jojo fires a laser.
"How does this LASER feel?!"
"TARGETING JOKER." Plays when fighting against The Joker Joker Icon.png
"Dealing from the bottom of the deck, mwahaha."
"Now stop laughing!"
[[File:|180x180px]] "Recognize this, Powerpuffs?" Plays when fighting against The Powerpuff Girls PPGIcon.png
[[File:|180x180px]] "I have an old friend in this saucer, mwahahah!"
[[File:|180x180px]] "I have a special laser just for you, little girls!"
[[File:|180x180px]] "Dodge, little girls!"
[[File:|180x180px]] "Punch THIS, Powerpuffs!"
[[File:|180x180px]] "Even stronger than your laser eyes!"

List of Quotes
Audio Transcript Description
"Unleashing the ANUBIS HEAD." Plays when Mojo Jojo uses the Anubis Head.
"Borrowed this from the museum!"
"I, Mojo Jojo, summon the power of Anubis!"
"Prepare to get fluffy!"
"Prepare for your doggy doom!"
"Seen one of these before, mystery girl?" Plays when fighting against Velma Velma Icon.png
"I have a doggy mystery for youuu."
"Tremble before the mystery of the Head of Anubis!"
[[File:|180x180px]] "More like Power-PUP Girls! Mwahahah!" Plays when fighting against The Powerpuff Girls PPGIcon.png
[[File:|180x180px]] "How do you like that, Powerpuff Pooches?"
[[File:|180x180px]] "Do you ever feel like we've done this before?"

List of Quotes
Audio Transcript Description
"I, Mojo Jojo, have always been told I have a magnetic personality." Plays when Mojo Jojo uses a magnet to pull fighters toward him.
"Don't be scared, come closer to me, Mojo Jojo."
"Comically large magnet… ENGAGE."
"Do you feel that gentle pulling?"
"Now watch your step!"
"There is nothing funny about magnetism!" Plays when fighting against The Joker Joker Icon.png
"The Mojo Magnet should stop your laughing!"
"Come here where I, Mojo Jojo, can keep an eye on you, laughing boy!"
"Get away!" Plays when Mojo Jojo uses a magnet to push fighters away from him.
"I hope you find this magnet as repelling as I, Mojo Jojo, find you!"
"Go-go Mojo Jojo Magnet!"
"Mojo Jojo magnet REPEL."
"Firing Mojo Magnet!"
"Go solve mysteries over there!" Plays when fighting against Velma Velma Icon.png
"Stay away from Mojo Jojo with your clue-finding!"
"Prepare to solve the mystery of MAGNETISM."
[[File:|180x180px]] "Recognize the Mojo Magnet?" Plays when fighting against The Powerpuff Girls PPGIcon.png
[[File:|180x180px]] "Feel the power of MAGNETISM, Powerpuffs!"
[[File:|180x180px]] "Come closer, Powerpuffs."
[[File:|180x180px]] "Little boys begone! Daddy needs some space." Plays when fighting against The Rowdyruff Boys RRBIcon.png
[[File:|180x180px]] "When you push Daddy too far, HE PUSHES BACK."

List of Quotes
Audio Transcript Description
"Firing bombs!" Plays when Mojo Jojo fires bombs.
"I, Mojo Jojo, have some rather explosive surprises for you!"
"Prepare to feel the sting of EXPLOSIONS."
"[Delighted] You can tell they're bombs by their cute little fuses."
"Here, catch!"
"You are the not the only one with bombs, Joker!" Plays when fighting against The Joker Joker Icon.png
"Take this, accursed clown!"
"How do you like THESE bombs, Joker?"
[[File:|180x180px]] "Special little toys for special little girls." Plays when fighting against The Powerpuff Girls PPGIcon.png
[[File:|180x180px]] "Delivery for the Powerpuff Girls!"
[[File:|180x180px]] "Does your Chemical X keep you safe from EXPLOSIONS?"

Platform Quotes

List of Quotes
Audio Transcript Description
"Remove your horrible feet from the ship that belongs to me, Mojo Jojo!" Plays when Mojo Jojo is used as a platform.
"That is the ship of MOJO JOJO you are trodding on!"
"Get off my saucer! So says... Mojo Jojo!"
"This is not a sightseeing platform!"
"Hey! Watch the paint!"
"This the ship of Mojo Jojo! Who is me! The one flying this ship!"
"I hate when people step on my ship!"
"You will pay for any damage to the ship of Mojo Jojo!"
"Remove your clown shoes from the ship of MOJO JOJO." Plays when fighting against The Joker Joker Icon.png
"Get out of here JOKER."
"Find your own clown car."
"It is very rude to touch another villain's saucer!"
"You will find no mysteries to solve THERE." Plays when fighting against Velma Velma Icon.png
"Bah! Look for clues elsewhere!"
"Stop! Cease! Desist! Do not touch the saucer."
"If you were really so smart you wouldn't stand on the saucer of MOJO JOJO."
"Don't you have a bat-themed saucer of your own?" Plays when fighting against Batman Batman Icon.png
"Brood elsewhere!"
"I, Mojo Jojo, will fling you back to Gotham!"
"Your gadgets better not scratch the saucer of MOJO JOJO."
[[File:|180x180px]] "You Power Pests better get off my saucer!" Plays when fighting against The Powerpuff Girls PPGIcon.png
[[File:|180x180px]] "I sense your disrespect, little girls."
[[File:|180x180px]] "Begone, Powerpuff Girls!"
[[File:|180x180px]] "This is MY ship, Powerpuffs! Get your own!"
[[File:|180x180px]] "This is not a plaything! This is Daddy's saucer!" Plays when fighting against The Rowdyruff Boys RRBIcon.png
[[File:|180x180px]] "You horrible little boys better not scratch the paint!"


  • Both Mojo Jojo losing control and being used as a platform are considered 'emotes' by the game, as the files describe the audio in the same way they do for the fighters' emotes.